Event Planning Checklist

Event Planning Checklist: The Concise Version

Juhi Purswani
March 15, 2018

Event planners are generally in a major rush to plan and organize an event in a proper way minimizing errors. They have to face many event management challenges and overcome the hurdles to make an event a boon!

Carrying out an event even if you have less time left is a challenging task. Event Planners kick-start the preparations for a long time starting off with the choice of vendors, the venue and so on.

In the technological era, where we all have moved onto Google lists and Keep, planners also require one such generic event planning checklist of tasks that can come in handy to them during the events.

A comprehensive version of the write-up ensures that the event planning is correct and up to date. A task list or a defined checklist in hand of a planner or an organizer results in fruitful activity.

The best part of having an event planning checklist which is easily accessible from all places (not a hard copy but in digital format instead) ensuring better execution of the event.

1. Plan well, List well — The first part of the list is all about the purpose. It includes all the questions like why the event? When is the event? What type of event? For whom is the event?

Event Planning Checklist - Plan well

After the organisers confirm on a date or tentative dates, the next phase of the Planning takes place i.e. asking for permissions for the timings in the decided venues, setting up a target number of audience to book a place according to the expected attendees, and then deciding upon the venue.

It’s very rare that events run 100% as expected, without running into a single hitch. Some hiccups are likely to occur and instead of cursing them, see them as valuable learning lessons. Come up with solutions to minimise the chances of the same issue arising in future events. — JJ Baker (Headhunter in The Global Events Industry)

2. Team Checklist — The next part of deciding the event planning checklist is Building up a team and joint teamwork. To plan an event even digitally is not a single person’s task.

Obviously, event planners require a team or staff members to help them out. Generally, the team members that can be included in the event planning checklist essential for an event is –

Event Manager

Venue Planner

Event Security Head

Catering Manager with the team

Marketing Head with the team

Accounting manager with the team

Emergency Medical Services Team members


Transport/Supplies/Accommodation Officers with the team members

Civil Officers (Infrastructure, electricity, Water and so on)

Local Authority officer

Anchor for the event

Schedule Manager

Photography Team

3. Planner’s Budget Checklist — To build up a team plus to hold either a small scale or a large scale event, the organisers need to particularly deal with the finances. Budget estimation is a crucial aspect of event planning.

Starting off from paying salaries to the security guards to the venue paying off to the vendors. A list of such expenses that can come in handy to an event planner is as follows-

Planner’s Budget Checklist

Staff Payments inclusive of their accommodation, food, and travel

Venue Expenses (rent, furnishings like chairs, tables and so on, tech part for the venue, license permissions, contracts, Badges and Ids for the staff)

Catering setup and budget

Marketing budgeting i.e. how much to spend on promotion, flyers, posters, banners, standees, advertisements, and so on.

Event Tech expense i.e. event website and event application as per the requirement

Travel and accommodation for guests

According to the spendings decide upon the ticket prices i.e. for general and VIP and VVIP. How much discount can be given, types of options for paying for the tickets?

Charges that the speakers/performers/influential are going to charge

4. Sponsorship — Next in the queue for event planning checklist is sponsorship requirements. Finding an event sponsorship is quite a challenging task in itself.

First of all the event planners must set up a list of requirements for bringing in the sponsorship, a thorough knowledge of the potent sponsors in the market at that point of time, how to convince them and the last part is to confirm the sponsors.

5. Guest of honor — Includes speakers, performers, influencers etc. The entire lineup for the event be it for just one day must be prepared in advance with backups as well.

Also, always have some buffer list in case one of the speakers falls ill and is not able to make it to the event. Event planners’ checklist must include all the options for the guest lists.

6. Events agenda catalog — Decide the schedule of the event program in detail with the time slots to avoid the last minute mix-ups and delays. Upload the schedule on the website and the application to keep the attendees informed.

Fix the schedule of the speakers

Plan the activities like polls, q/a session accordingly

Leisure activities like music and all


Planning of opening speech, keynote speech, closing speech, number of session, parallel sessions, how to sync all of it, discussions, q/a, private meetups and so on must be incorporated in the event planning checklist as well.

7. Index the marketing checklist — Next up comes the marketing of the event. Marketing has many sub-parts which include e-mail marketing to the attendees, social media marketing to spread the word out about the upcoming event and much more which are as follows:

Putting up event posters and hoardings

Influencer marketing in which the planners reach out to the event industry professionals and influencers

Online and offline invites for the event

Market and promote in your internal group

Ask speakers to make an announcement of the event

Reminder e-mails

Cross marketing techniques

Polls, contests, discussions

Paid advertisements for promotion

Social Media Event Marketing

All these marketing techniques market the event to all the right audiences to gain more attraction.

8. Classify the Security essentialsEvent risk management is an utmost vital task that must be present on the checklist of all the event planners. A first-aid kit with the essential resents taking care of any health-related emergencies. Be ready for an on-call ambulance. Similarly with the fire brigade, in case of an uninvited fire hazard.

A thorough venue check with the checking of all the event attendees along with the planners and organisers must be arranged. An escape plan must be ready with the event planners in order to evacuate the venue in the state of emergencies or natural hazards.

9. The E-day checklist — The event day is the most stressful one for a planner. He/she is occupied with almost everything and everyone.

E-day checklist

A quick to-do-list for the main event can be prepared for them so they keep up to date with all the essential tasks for the day, to check on the volunteers, to check on the vendors, deal with the last moment issues.

While our tips on event management are all important, the most important thing is to enjoy the event just as much as you expect your guests to. — Ultimate Experience

Be sure to have a certain mode of communication to keep in touch with all at the same time like walkie-talkies and headsets.

10. Review section of the event — A follow up after the event or a convenient feedback form to be filled can be sent to the attendees via an e-mail or any other platform that you have connected like an event app.

This will make sure to collect relevant details for the future events that you wish to plan and also give an insight into what makes attendees more comfortable and implement that as well.

Bonus point — Keep your attendees happy by providing several charging point stations and a better handling crowd wifi network. Most people complaint about network issues nowadays. More the better quality of wifi, more the people will socialize and post regarding the event.

Concluding the blog, an event planning checklist is a comprehensive and of utmost use to the event planners. The checklist reduces stress, workload and saves plenty of time for them.

“Refines the productivity and hence the end results automatically improves.”

Interested to know more? Get in-depth knowledge of the digital event planning checklist here. Check out our website or request a demo.

Keep yourself updated by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Event Planning Checklist for 2020

  • Define the Event Objective
  • Define Target Audience
  • Define Date & Time
  • Based on Objective and Audience, Define Event Theme
  • Work out Event Budget
  • Choose a Venue
  • Create Primary Action Plan
  • Structure Team and Responsibilities
  • List Down Security Concerns
  • List Down Legal Permissions Required
  • Create a Marketing Plan
  • Decided Registration Scheme

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Juhi Purswani

Juhi Purswani is a major in Information Technology. Currently a Content Developer in Hubilo, she is a passionate writer and loves to research and explore new and unique topics. Working in an event-tech company, she is getting accustomed to the technological revolutions that are taking place in the event management industry. Fond of Dan Brown books, she is an avid reader of fiction. In her relaxation moments, she pens down her thoughts in the form of poems and quotes. You can follow her on twitter on @19_juhi.

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