State of Webinars 2024 Report

Explore the ins and outs of webinar strategies firsthand from industry insiders. This benchmarking report provides a comprehensive overview, spanning from planning to execution, showcasing how marketing leaders leverage webinars to drive impactful results.
Vaibhav Jain
June 5, 2024

The State of Webinars 2024 Report is Here!

We've been hard at work for the past two plus months, working hard to put together the latest insights and trends in webinars. We interviewed some of the top marketing leaders from mid-market companies, and we're excited to share their expertise with you. 

If you're a B2B marketer looking to take your webinars to the next level, this report is designed specifically for you.

Here's a quick rundown of what you'll find inside:

  • AI Impact: Did you know that only 33% of businesses have explored AI tools for their webinars? That means there's a lot of untapped potential out there!
  • Integration Gap: Surprisingly, almost 25% of folks said their webinar platform doesn't talk to their marketing tools. That's a missed opportunity for efficiency.
  • Hot Topics: Turns out, the key to a successful webinar is picking a topic that really resonates with your audience. About 34% of respondents agreed!
  • Smart Strategy: Businesses are using webinars strategically, especially at the start of the customer journey. They're grabbing attention and educating potential customers. In fact, 39% of webinars are happening right at the top of the funnel!

Ready to dive in and level up your webinar game?

Vaibhav Jain

Vaibhav is the CEO and Founder of the leading global event technology company, Hubilo. Under his leadership, Hubilo pivoted from $0 to a million-dollar company in less than a year and raised over $150M of funding from renowned global venture capitalists. Vaibhav is a computer graduate from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA- IICT), with ten years of marketing, operations, finance, and sales expertise in the Information Technology sector.

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