How to host a VIP event

25 VIP Event Ideas That Are Sure to Impress Attendees

Learn how to impress your guests with VIP event ideas they are sure to remember! Explore some VIP gifts, experience, and marketing ideas to inspire your next event.
December 17, 2022

VIP treatment for your guests will give them an exclusive experience they will never forget! Your guests will be willing to pay more for your event tickets if they include an enhanced experience. With VIP treatments and experiences, you’re also able to create tiered levels of tickets with different pricing. Event organizers can also integrate upgrades and add-ons for each ticket they sell! 

What Is A VIP Event?

VIP events are defined as a tiered ticketing option, priced at certain levels, depending on the experience. These types of events can be made into an invite-only experience, and they can be limited to a certain number of guests. VIP events within larger events, such as a conference or trade show, can be a smaller group of people with special access. Giving your guests the option to choose if they want to purchase a VIP experience will allow them to customize their event experience! 

25 VIP Events That Will Impress Your Attendees

VIP guests are more than willing to spend money for an over the top experience during your event! By giving your guests a fun and memorable experience, your guests will be more likely to return to your events in the future! If you host events every year, be sure to change up the VIP events for your guests! This list will help you create the best and most memorable VIP events for your audience!  

1. Spa Lounge

Everyone understands how stressful the workplace can be. One special VIP treatment you can offer your guests is the use of a spa lounge! Facials, massages and nail treatments can take your guest’s mind off of work for a moment, and they can relax in peace. Using this time to allow your guests to relax will allow them to come back to your event with a fresh mind, ready to learn. 

2. Rent Sleep Pods

Sleep pods are becoming more popular within the workplace, as they give your guests a chance to rest and relax. If your event spans over the course of a few days, rent these sleep pods and encourage your guests to use them! While it may seem odd to take a nap at a work event, taking a short nap has been proven to increase productivity and learning. VIP guests can take advantage of these sleep pods and return to the event with a clear mind and will be ready to contribute to the event. 

3. Make A Social Media Networking Group

Networking is such a pivotal part of corporate culture. It helps to build connections with one another, and can open the door for opportunities your guests may not know they had. Creating a social media networking group for VIP guests will allow them to network, even after the event is over. After each VIP event is over, be sure to add any new VIP guests from the event into the networking group. Ideas, thoughts and networking opportunities can be shared in this group, and your VIP guests can take advantage of that. Any pictures of videos from the event can also be shared in the group to remind everyone of the great event you hosted! 

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4. Chats With Guest Speakers

Guest speakers are pretty typical for corporate events, as they have an insight into the corporate world that others may not see. VIP guests can purchase tickets to have a chat with the guest speaker, whether alone or in a group. VIP guests can ask the guest speaker questions, personal stories or any inside knowledge they may have to help further their career. 

5. Luxury Prize Giveaways

VIP guests will spend more money on their tickets if they know that their experience is going to have a luxurious upgrade or giveaway. Having giveaways for your VIP guests will enhance your guest experience and will even catch the attention of non-VIP guests for next year! Giveaway prizes can be items such as trips, Apple products such as AirPods or an iPad, discount codes for tickets or executive pens. Names for the winners can be drawn at random, or you can use a raffle system. If you choose to do the raffle method, VIP guests can be given raffle tickets as a part of their VIP ticket package. 

6. Personalized Swag Bags

Everyone loves a swag bag! A bag full of goodies, personalized just for you! While you can include the usual swag bag items: t-shirt, reusable water bottle and a small notebook, take into account the wants of your guests. As your VIP guests register for the event, asking them questions as to what their favorite snack is or their favorite way to relax will allow you to customize their swag bag. Event organizers can add their guest’s favorite snacks or a voucher for a massage into their swag bags. The personalized touch for the swag bags will make the VIP guests feel appreciated! 

 Personalized swag bags for your event

7. VIP Parking Spots & Valet

Your event may have guests coming from all over, so they’ll need a place to park! If your guests register to be a VIP, they deserve front row parking. Event organizers can make VIP parking spots for their guests, or they can even have a valet. VIP guests can be first in, first out of the parking lot, and they can even have someone retrieve their car for them. This will avoid any traffic getting in and out of the event. 

8. Formal Dinners

Formal dinners are a great way to host your VIP guests! Formal dinners can have your guests dress up in their best clothes, eat a luxurious dinner and get to know their colleagues a little better. If you have guest speakers at the event, invite them to the dinner as well. After dinner is over, your VIP guests can mingle with the guest speakers and get to know them on a more personal level. 

9. Breakfast Briefing

Before your event begins in the morning, hosting a VIP breakfast briefing will keep them updated on what is going to happen over the course of the event. The VIP experience can be taken up a notch by having higher end breakfast items, rather than the typical breakfast foods. Any guest speakers you have hired for the event can attend the breakfast as well, and will be able to mingle with your VIP guests! 

10. VIP City Tour

Your company’s event will most likely be held in your city, but you may have guests coming in from all over the country. VIP guests who don’t live in your city can be taken out for a VIP city tour, and be shown all around the city. Event organizers can show VIP guests the historical sites, monuments and any other highlights of the city. Depending on the size of your city, this tour can be a walking tour or even a tour in a limo! 

11. Bag Drop Off

Events typically run all day, from early morning until late in the evening. Most guests have bags, purses or laptop carrying cases. Giving your VIP guests a spot to put their bags in a safe location will be a weight off their shoulders, literally! The VIP bag drop off can act as a coat room, where the VIP guests receive a tag to bring back to the drop off room at the end of the event. Having this room monitored or even locked during the event will ensure that everyone’s belongings are safe throughout the event. 

12. Invite Industry Celebrities

Your event may want to hire industry celebrities to your event to not only help generate a buzz about your event, but also talk to your VIP guests! These industry celebrities can take both their professional and personal stories and turn them into teaching lessons for your guests, as a way to improve their professional career. 

13. Discount Codes

Discount codes for your VIP guests will help them purchase tickets for your next event. Once the event is over, your guests will remember how much fun they had, and will want to return to next year’s event! By providing discount codes to your VIP guests, they will be sure to purchase another VIP ticket package, just at a discounted rate. 

14. Provide Show-stopping Entertainment

If your event spans over the course of a few days, it’s no secret that your guests will be tired by the end of it, as they have worked so hard! As a closing ceremony, adding entertainment for your VIP guests will end the event off on a great note. Hiring a comedian or even a magician will relax your VIP guests and it will send them home with great memories from a fantastic event! 

15. Offer An Upgraded Catering Menu

Your VIP guests will enjoy a high end catering menu, and you can further personalize their menu by asking what they’d like to eat. Offering high end food items such as seafood or steak will be an enjoyable experience for your VIP guests. You can also use this time to ask your guests if they have any food allergies or dietary restrictions, showing them you truly care about their event experience. 

16. VIP Tour Of Your Company

As stated above, you may have guests coming in from out of state to attend your event. Therefore, they may not know what your company and event space looks like. Taking your guests on a VIP tour of your facility will show them how you work and what goes on behind the scenes. Your VIP guests can even chat with each department about how they handle business day to day. 

17. Give Out Awards

Celebrating wins is so important for your company and your guests! It shows how much you truly care about them and how much they are appreciated. Your VIP guests work hard, and they should be celebrated. Keep track of any VIP guest who had an outstanding year and be sure to reward them with a trophy or a plaque! 

18. Handwritten Thank You Notes

A handwritten thank you note can go a long way! After the event concludes, be sure to send out thank you notes to all of your VIP guests, thanking them for all of their hard work and dedication to your company. Your VIP guests will appreciate a handwritten note, rather than just an email, it’s much more personal. 

19. Arrange A Class Or Workshop

Workshops or classes are a great way to bond with your colleagues. Your VIP guests can choose which type of class or workshop they would like to attend; these classes can range from a workout class or a cooking class. Giving your VIP guests the option to choose will allow them to customize their event experience. 

20. Video Recaps

Throughout your event, as the event organizer, be sure to take pictures and videos of the event. Be sure to include candid shots as well as arranged photos. Once the event concludes, taking these pictures and videos and making them into a highlight reel will showcase all of the fun your guests had. Share this highlight reel with your VIP guests to thank them for attending! 

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21. Massage Chairs

Like sleep pods, massage chairs have become popular among the corporate world. They allow your VIP guests to take a few minutes to themselves and relax. Once your VIP guests are relaxed and rejuvenated, they can return to the event and be ready to work, learn, and grow! 

22. VIP Happy Hour

Once the event is over, treat your VIP guests to a happy hour.  You can offer light refreshments, as well as a bartender, ready to whip up your guest’s favorite cocktails! Be sure to have non-alcoholic beverages available for your guests that don’t drink. This time can be spent with your guests mingling and getting to know each other better. 

Including happy hour in your event

23. Priority Entry

As a VIP guest, they should be let into your event early. VIP guests can use the bag drop off to check their bags and coats, get a great seat and settle into the event. Your guests can even chat with event organizers and their peers before the event begins! 

24. RFID Wristbands

RFID wristbands have the technology to scan your VIP guests into your event. They have a chip on the inside of the wristband which houses your guest’s ticket information. Each VIP guest will be given a personalized ID number, and can be scanned in as each VIP guest enters the event. You can also track which VIP guest does not attend by cross referencing which guest checked in and which ones didn’t. 

25. Ask Sponsors For VIP Upgrades

Event organizers are likely going to have sponsors for the event, as they can help with the funding. Your sponsors, if they are willing, can also help to upgrade the VIP guest experience. Sponsors can upgrade the swag bags or provide the funding for the VIP guest lounge areas! 


Your VIP guests are important to your event, and they will spend the extra funds to receive all of these special experiences! When marketing your event, be sure to include that there are different VIP levels that guests can purchase. Using social media to promote your event will get the word out to every potential guest. VIP guests are so special to your event, and when you provide them with a great event experience, they will be sure to return to your events every year!  

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