How to design an event stage

The Complete Guide To Event Stage Design

Learning how to design your event stage take your event to the next level! Adding in elements like mood-setting lighting and the right colors ties everything together.
December 6, 2022

When you have an event stage design that stands out from the others, it can make or break your event. There are many factors to consider when creating your event stage design. You can create your stage design based on your event goals to really impress your audience!

What Is Event Stage Design?

Event stage design is a process of adding elements, such as lighting and sound, to your event. These elements help to improve the overall event and audience experience. Your event stage design can vary depending on your event goals, whatever they may be. All of the elements working together will create a space where your event will be successful and your guests will have a wonderful and memorable experience!

How is Event Stage Design Different from Event Design?

In terms of differences, there is one major difference. Event design focuses on the overall design of the entire event by bringing all of the elements together. Event stage design only focuses on one aspect of the event, which is the stage itself. Your event stage design should help tie the whole event together and should be the main focal point of your event. 

Main Components Of Event Stage Design

Event stage design is made up of the following components: 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Screen</span>

The screen can be considered the star of the show, showcasing any slideshows or pictures by the presenter. Make sure that the screen is visible to all of the audience, no matter where they are sitting. Your screen can make or break an event, because if guests can’t see the screen, they can’t follow along with the presentation.

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Lighting</span>

Lighting is crucial to your event design! The lighting can highlight the guest speakers, and even create the mood for whatever is being spoken about at the time. By using lighting to set the tone, your guests will feel invited and comfortable. For example, if one of your event goals is for guests to network, you will want lighting that is warm, yet bright, so you can see who you’re talking to. When you create a warm and inviting atmosphere with the lighting, your guests will be more likely to feel at home and comfortable at the event.

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Technology</span>

Technology such as computers and microphones help pave the way for a successful event. Computers are where the presentations are held, and they can be projected onto the giant screen on stage. Microphones are so important for your event, as they’re the key for the entire audience to hear what presenters are saying. Be sure to do a test run of the technology, specifically the computers and microphones before the event begins to ensure that everything is working.

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Furniture</span>

Furniture on the event stage has the ability to change depending on what the event is. You can choose from chairs and tables or couches and side tables, whichever the presenters are comfortable with. Be sure the furniture doesn’t cover the screen or any of the presentation materials, as some of the guests may not be able to see it from where they’re sitting.

  • <span class="mid-size-title">A/V Equipment</span>

As discussed above, equipment like computers and microphones are crucial to a successful event stage design! Another important piece of equipment to use is monitors; monitors help event presenters stay on track with the topics at hand, and they may even have their lines on the monitor to refer to.

Equipment needed for stage design
  • <span class="mid-size-title">Set Decor</span>

Set decor is the way you can spruce up your event stage! By using plants, flowers, balloons, or even company logos can take your event stage up a notch. A plain looking stage with no decorations can be boring to look at, so if you feel the need to decorate your stage, don’t overdo it. Adding too many decorations to your stage can become an eyesore and distract your audience.

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Props</span>

By adding props to your event stage, you will allow your guest to have photo-ops when the event is over. A flower wall not only sets the tone for the event, but you can invite your guests to take pictures after the event. The flower wall can become an instant photo booth, along with silly photo booth props. These pictures can become a keepsake for guests after the event is over.

How To Create An Unforgettable Event Stage Design

To create the best event stage design, you will need to think outside the box. By using items your company already has plus any other components, you will be able to create an event which will work for your presenters as well as your guests! 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Use Audience POV</span>

When you create your event stage design, be mindful of the point of view (POV) of your audience. This doesn’t necessarily mean what your audience physically sees, but what the audience wants to see. There may be some audience members that like certain lighting, while others may find that particular lighting distracting. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Consider The Venue</span>

Different venues are going to have different rules you need to follow, so keep that in mind when you are looking for an event venue. Some venues might already have a stage set in place, while other venues you may need to create a stage. Some venues might have low ceilings, for example, and you will need to adapt to that with your screens. Your venue you choose needs to be perfect for your event and your goals!

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Apply Production Principals</span>

All of the production elements that come together are a pivotal part of your event. When decorating your event stage, try to keep it simple and clean, yet cohesive. By using complimenting colors and textures, your event will look sleek and clean while also warm and inviting. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Create A Strategic Layout</span>

Depending on the event host you use, you may be able to use 3D layouts to determine how you want your event to look. By using custom measurements, you can see what elements of your event will work and what will not work. You can map out where your guests will sit, where they will walk and where they can network; all of these elements work together and give event organizers a better understanding of how their event will work.

Create a layout of your stage design
  • <span class="mid-size-title">Think About Lighting</span>

The lighting at your event can set the mood for the whole event. If you need to change the dynamic of the event, consider changing the lighting! If there are speakers on the stage presenting, you will want to have spotlights on them, while the lighting in the rest of the room is low to keep the focus on the speakers. If you need to move to the networking part of the event, you can bring the lights up so your guests can see who they’re speaking to. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Incorporate Technology</span>

The use of technology is so important when planning your event! The usual technology like microphones, monitors and lighting is obvious to have at your event, but other technology can help take your event to the next level. You can use hype videos to get your guests excited about the event or digital banners as a marketing tool- technology has come so far that the possibilities are endless!

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Use What’s Around</span>

By looking to see what is already at your event venue, you may not need to rent or buy any extras at all! For example, if your event has beautiful scenery, you should incorporate that as the backdrop for your event; you won’t need to use any extra backdrops as the scenery will act as the backdrop. Any natural focal points of the venue can help enhance your event.   

Variables That Impact Event Stage Design

When you choose the right venue for your event, the stage design will come together naturally! Your event theme, whatever it may be, can reflect within the stage design. When in the beginning stages of the planning process, keep these factors in mind. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Finalize Your Event Theme</span>

Depending on what your theme is, you can choose to have a formal or an informal event. If your event theme is formal, you can have your guest speakers on the stage, presenting their information. If your event theme is more informal, the seating arrangements can be more relaxed and audience members can ask questions throughout the event. Even the lighting can be formal or informal! All aspects of the event like lighting, seating and decorations can all reflect the event’s theme. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Find The Right Event Venue</span>

Your event may need a larger venue if you have a large guest list! When you search for the perfect venue, you need to keep this in mind; you don’t want to choose a venue that is too large or too small. Your audience members need room to socialize and even spread out while listening to the presenters. The right venue for your event will also have the right capacity limits and even the screens you need for presenting. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Keep Your Audience In Mind</span>

There may be some members of your audience that like a certain aspect of events, while others may not. In order to determine who likes what, consider sending out a pre-event survey! For example, you may have guests who enjoy strobe lights and loud music. However, there are other guests who might not enjoy those aspects and will see them as distractions. If this is the case, try to stick to what the majority of your guests like, so the event can be a learning experience for everyone!

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Understand Your Event Goals</span>

Every event needs goals to achieve! Event organizers should work towards achieving them, whether they be big or small goals. For example, if your event goal is for people to network, you can set up networking areas with tables and chairs for people to go and meet one another. If your event goal is to have your guests interact with the guest speakers through a panel discussion, have multiple microphones for guests to ask their questions and have the guest speakers sit in a row on the stage. Your guests will be able to ask questions to the panel and all the guests will be able to clearly see the panel on stage. 

What Makes A Good Stage Design?

A good stage design isn’t just one element, it’s a combination of multiple elements working together! Some aspects of event stage design may include: 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Colors</span>

The colors of your event design should be warm and inviting. Once you choose a color pattern, you should try to have all of the elements of your event be these colors. Lighting, curtains and backdrops can include the colors you choose and will help tie your event together.

Stage backdrop for your event
  • <span class="mid-size-title">Texture</span>

Mixing and matching different textures on your event stage helps create a conversation for your guests! Mixing different textures can become the focal point for your audience; A silky or shiny backdrop can add a visual effect to your event, or a soft carpet can remind your audience of home, making them feel relaxed and comfortable. 

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Stage Shape</span>

The shape of your stage can determine how your audience will sit at your event. Typically, stages are at the head of the venue space, and the chairs are all facing forward towards the stage. However, the shape of the stage can be different, which means you will have to change the seating arrangement. As long as your guests receive the information they need, the seating arrangement can be done in any way!

  • <span class="mid-size-title">Composition</span>

Composition refers to the items on the stage and where they are placed! For example, if you have plants or balloons on the stage, you wouldn’t want to have them in the middle of the stage; putting them off to the side helps to balance out the stage decorations, but also opens up the stage for the audience to see everything that is happening on it.

Top 10 Event Stage Design Ideas

Event stage designs can be as simple or dramatic as you need them to be. The bigger the stage design, the more conversations the guests will have about it. The size of your event stage will depend on your budget. These 10 ideas can help you create a stage design worthy for your event and your audience!

<span class="mid-size-title">1. Undulating Structures</span>

Undulating structures are structures that have the illusion that they are moving, but they’re actually not! These structures can be large or small and act as a backdrop for your stage!.These structures can become a focal point for your event and even create a buzz among the audience.

<span class="mid-size-title">2. Water Elements</span>

Water elements within your event have the ability to create a conversation between your audience members. These elements can include water screens or fountains! You can even set your water elements to music or set the lighting with different colors to change throughout the event. Your audience will be amazed as the water changes color and it can become a talking point during and after your event. 

<span class="mid-size-title">3. Live Social Stream</span>

During your event, you can live stream it on social media to showcase to an even larger audience. By going live, you can reach people that may not have been able to attend your event. Use a monitor to show your event audience what they are seeing; the audience at home can see what is happening at the event and the audience at the event can see the people at home! 

<span class="mid-size-title">4. Projection Floor</span>

Floor projections can be created to fit with your event. If your company has a logo, it’s possible to project that logo onto the floor. You can also use other projections such as stars, leaves or even hearts to project onto the floor. It helps to build a brand for your company and can become a talking point for your audience.

<span class="mid-size-title">5. Clouds</span>

Clouds are a fun way to incorporate some earthly elements into your event. The clouds can hang above the stage, and can even change colors to signify the mood of the event. Using LED lights behind the clouds can soften the mood and leave guests intrigued at the clouds.

<span class="mid-size-title">6. Sci-Fi Influence</span>

There are some sci-fi elements that you can incorporate into your stage design. By the use of a futuristic design, lasers and even certain sounds, your guests can be transformed to a new world. This type of influence on your event is one that isn’t done very often, so guests will be talking about it long after the event!

<span class="mid-size-title">7. Crystals</span>

Crystals, when hung from the ceiling of your event space, can reflect on the walls, floor and ceiling. The lights, of all colors, can hit the crystals and create a mystical space for your guests. Smaller crystals will create smaller images on the walls and larger crystals will create larger images. Your guests will be in amazement when they walk in and see all of the crystals hanging from the ceiling!

<span class="mid-size-title">8. Hanging Lights</span>

Much like the crystals, hanging lights can set the tone for your event. There are all types of lights that you can hang from the ceiling, but they should fit with your theme. Edison bulbs are very popular right now, so adding them to your event can be a talking point for your guests. If you choose to, you can have your hanging lights be the backdrop for your guest speakers; the lighting can be low and warm, setting the perfect backdrop for presenters.

Best lighting for events

<span class="mid-size-title">9. Giant Trees</span>

Much like the clouds, giant trees add an earthly element to your event. These trees can be at the front of your event, and as your guests walk through the trees, they can be transported to a new land that is your event! The giant trees help create a sense of life as they go on to learn about the topics you have created for the event.

<span class="mid-size-title">10. Augmented Digital Mapping</span>

Augmented digital mapping is a new and fun way to see the city around you. Within your event, you can rest giant screens that showcase where you are at your event. From there, you can use your hand to move the map around the city, showing guests all that is surrounding them at that current moment. Guests can use this map to explore the city, especially if the city is not native to them!

<span class="mid-size-title">Conclusion</span>

Event stage design can be a difficult process, but it doesn’t have to be! You can transform your event into something magical and other worldly, all depending on what you choose for your event. Your event goals should reflect what you have at your event- for example, if you want your guests to listen to panels, then the seating should reflect that, with the seats facing the stage. Adding pops of color and small stage decorations help to bring your whole event together.

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