How to craft a thank you email

“Thank you for Attending!” - Post-Event and Webinar Thank You Email Templates

A thank you email after an event is a great way to show appreciation for all your attendees who made it to your event. We’ll go over what to include in one so you can show appreciation to your guests and collect feedback on your successful event!
December 7, 2022

So your event went off without a hitch- now it’s time to send a message of gratitude to all your guests for their attendance. A post-event email should be carefully crafted to make guests feel appreciated and remind them of the highlights. We’ll go over how to craft a thank you for attending our event email that’s perfect for sending to guests.

What is a thank you email? 

A thank you email is a type of email that expresses gratitude for something. In this case, your email will be written with the intent to express gratitude to all of the guests who showed up for your event. You can send your guests a personalized message to make them feel appreciated and valued.

Why you need a thank you email

Sending a thank you email after an event is a polite gesture that lets your guests know you’ve valued the time they spent attending your event. It lets them know that you care about their event experience, both during and after. Studies have even shown that sending your event attendees a thank you email after the event can improve their well-being and view of your company. Adding a small gesture like a thank you note can go a long way- many attendees will remember how you made them feel appreciated, increasing their chances of attending more of your events. 

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16 tips for creating a thank you email after an event

1. Nail your subject line

In order to get attendees to open your email, you’ll need a subject line that grabs their attention. Make it one that relates to the event they attended and use a line that will prevent them from adding it to their trash folder. Don’t make it too long, either- many attendees will use their phone to check their email, which will only allow for a shorter subject line to be shown. 

2. Select a professional opening statement

Decide if you’d like to address your audience formally or informally through an opening statement. If you choose formally, open your email with “Dear” and the recipient’s name. If you go the informal route, open your email with “Good morning/afternoon” or “Hello/hi” followed by your attendee’s name. 

3. Include highlights from the event

Remind participants of the great parts they may have missed or forgotten about your event in your email. Include what valuable information was shared or how much money was raised, as well as any other success statistics resulting from your event.

What to include in a thank you email

4. Tell recipients about other upcoming events

Your post-event thank you email is a great time to tell attendees about any upcoming events you have planned. Make it short, but include key information like a summary of each event and future dates they can register with links. It’s an easy way to promote future events and boost registration! 

5. Close the email

Once you’ve gotten your thank-you for attending our event message adequately across, you can professionally close your email. Use closers such as “Sincerely/ Best Regards/My Sincere Gratitude/Thank you” followed by your name. Feel free to add your company and a phone number underneath as well. 

6. Make your subject line concise

An email subject line should be catchy enough so users open it but short enough to be viewed fully on mobile phones. Ensure it relates to the event you hosted while being attention-grabbing for your former guests.

7. The sender’s name should be familiar to the recipient

Avoid recipients sending your email to their junk folder by ensuring you’ve addressed the email correctly. Steer clear of using a “no-reply” sender name; this can make users feel unappreciated if they know it’s an automated message sent to a number of others. Instead, use an email engine to automate emails your audience wants to open.

8. Keep it short

Similar to the email subject line, you’ll want to keep this email body copy relatively short. Writing a short but powerful message is much more effective than sending a long one that will ultimately lose the recipient's attention. 

9. Understand what you look for in a thank you email

The best way to know what to include in your thank you email is to think about what you value in a thank you email. Think about what elements make you feel the most appreciated and respected as a customer- your event attendees most likely value the same things. 

10. Express your gratitude

Recipient’s shouldn’t just read how thankful you are to have had them at your event- they should feel it. In your email, include how thankful you are that they could attend your event and specific moments that you were happy to share with them. If your attendees contributed anything to your event, like a donation or service, make sure to include that in your thank you for attending our event email. 

11. Insert a clear CTA

A smart thank you email after an event always includes any kind of call-to-action. Your email CTA can be for almost anything - your company’s blog, upcoming event schedules, watching an event recap, and so much more. Inserting your call to action with a clickable button will increase the likelihood of recipients following through. 

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12. Employ event branding

Stay consistent in your branding efforts by incorporating different branding elements into your thank you for attending our event email. Include your event and company logo in your email as well as any branding colors you used at your event. If you decide to include any pictures from your event, make sure to keep them to a minimum to prevent it from going to recipient’s spam folders. 

13. Remember GDPR

There are certain rules you must keep in mind when emailing your event attendees. If they opted out from receiving any communications from you, they most likely won’t receive your thank you email. Another tip is to use BCC instead of CC if you’re sending a mass thank you email to keep other email addresses private, as well as inform recipients that you can collect data from any email actions that take place. 

14. Ask for feedback

Something extra to include in your thank you email that can improve future emails is to include a survey link for recipients to answer questions about your email. Keep the survey short and offer prizes for participation to anyone who fills it out.

Post event survey email

15. Consider your tone of voice

In your thank you email after the post-event, it’s best to keep your tone friendly but professional. Incorporate your company’s tone of voice to keep it consistent with your branding while sounding conversational in the most natural way.

16. Don’t forget your sponsors and speakers

A hallmark of a solid thank you for attending our event email is spotlighting all the people who made your event happen. On average, sponsors spend an average of 9% of their exhibit-marketing budgets on promotional opportunities. This includes any sponsors and speakers you had at your event and any extra team members who helped make your event great.

What to include in your thank-you email after an event 

  • Your name 
  • Your greeting of choice followed by the email recipient’s name 
  • Body of the email expressing your gratitude and any event highlights 
  • A reminder of any upcoming events your company is hosting
  • A closing statement
  • Your signature

Example of a thank you for attending our event email

Subject line: Thank You for a Successful Event!

Dear (name),

I am writing to thank you for attending the (event name) hosted by (company) at (venue)! We are thrilled to have brought together such a great group of (audience) to (describe event topic). We hope you (event takeaway goal) will continue to do so in the future. 

Keep an eye out for any (event materials) we send your way and post on social media. We’d love for you to help us further improve future (event types) by filling out a quick survey about your (event) experience. 

Be sure to mark your calendars for our next event, (event name) on (date). Don’t miss registration on (date) at our website (website). 

Thank you again for making the (event name) so wonderful! We look forward to you joining us for our next event!


(Your name)

The best subject lines for a thank you email after an event

Your post-event thank you email is crucial, but it’s only crucial if you have a subject line that makes people want to open it. You can keep your subject line concise and to the point, such as “Thank You for Attending (Event Name)!” or it can be more personalized and creative. A study by Experian found that personalized emails have a 29% higher open rate and a 41% higher click-through rate than generic ones.

Add the recipient’s name in the subject line to add that personal touch that will incline them to open the email. You can conduct A/B testing to see exactly what subject lines will get users to open your email and strategize your findings into your next post-event email. 

Additionally, make sure to optimize your subject line for readability across devices; email applications on mobile phones usually cut subject lines short. Aim to have your subject line be 50 characters or less.

How to use email software

Use event technology to enhance power up post-event thank-you emails

With the help of the right video technology software, any thank you email after an event can be one that makes an impact. Look for platforms like Hubilo that have a carefully designed email marketing engine that assists in sending post-event emails. You can send out surveys as well as personalized emails with data readily available to check your email insights. With email engines like Hubilo’s you have the ability to customize your email to your company or event’s branding. Thanks to custom branding in your thank-you email, recipients will be reminded of the event and how much they learned and experienced.

Frequently asked questions about writing post-event thank you email

When should I send a post-event thank you email?

It's best to send a thank you email within 24-48 hours after the event. This allows you to strike while the memory of the event is still fresh in everyone's mind.

What should I include in a post-event thank you email?

Your email should include a sincere thank you message, a recap of the event, and any important takeaways or next steps. You can also include photos or videos from the event to help bring back fond memories.

How should I address the email?

Address the email to the people who attended the event, using their full name and title if appropriate. You can also address the email to specific departments or teams if you're thanking a larger group.

What's the best way to start a post-event thank you email?

Start your email by expressing your gratitude for their attendance, support, and participation. Thank them for taking the time to join you and make the event a success.

Should I include a call-to-action in my post-event thank you email?

Yes, you should include a call-to-action in your email. Whether it's to follow up with attendees individually, sign up for your newsletter, or attend your next event, make sure to provide a clear next step.

How long should my post-event thank you email be?

Keep your email concise and to the point, ideally no longer than one page. People are busy, and a short and sweet email is more likely to be read and appreciated.

Should I personalize my post-event thank you email?

Absolutely. Personalization shows that you value and appreciate each person's individual contribution to the event. Use their name and refer to specific moments or conversations you had with them during the event.

Is it necessary to send a post-event thank you email?

Sending a post-event thank you email is not mandatory, but it is a great way to show your gratitude and strengthen your relationships with attendees. It also provides an opportunity to reinforce your brand or message and keep people engaged with your organization or cause.

Work with Hubilo for your next event

Email is an essential part of a great marketing strategy. When delivered in just the right time after your event, a thank you for attending our event email will go a long way for both you and your event attendees. It will make your recipients feel appreciated and glad they made it to your event while giving you feedback on what is working through surveys and analytic insights. Make sure you choose an event platform that includes email marketing to improve your marketing strategy! Yes, we mean… Hubilo. Book yourself a demo immediately and see for yourself all the necessary action. 

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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