benefits of hosting webinars

The Benefits of Hosting Webinar

Uncover the powerful advantages of hosting webinars for your business goals. Dive into the key business benefits and transform your approach to audience engagement and brand success.
January 4, 2024

In recent years, content marketing has experienced explosive growth, and for valid reasons, most content marketers emphasize its effectiveness in generating leads and broadening their reach. However, the content marketing space is becoming increasingly crowded each year, diminishing its overall effectiveness. Could the inclusion of webinars in your content mix help combat content fatigue?

Webinars are gaining widespread popularity. Whether you represent an established business in a familiar market or a budding brand striving to connect with potential clients, integrating webinars into your marketing strategy can yield significant benefits. Businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations, are now realizing the advantages of incorporating webinars into their strategies. 

According to a 2021 global report, webinar usage surged by 162%, with attendance quadrupling to reach 60 million people. Webinars, being an excellent means of audience engagement, have emerged as a valuable tool in this digital outreach. Whether it's facilitating new product launches, conducting panelist interviews, or hosting engaging Q&A sessions with customers, webinars allow you to connect with thousands of new leads simultaneously.

Achieving such results is feasible with a top-tier webinar platform that simplifies event hosting. Additionally, these platforms are highly effective for creating on-demand webinars and evergreen content, often without the need for extensive software downloads. If your business has yet to embrace webinars for growth, now is the time to begin. Before delving into the benefits of webinars, let's first explore what a webinar entails.

What is a webinar?

The term 'webinar' is derived from the combination of 'web' and 'seminar.' It represents an exclusively online event that individuals attend, either in real-time or through a replay, to participate in a presentation on a specific subject. 

Simply put, a webinar is akin to a seminar conducted over the internet—an online event attended by a web audience. During a webinar, participants can both see and hear the presenter online. This platform allows for the sharing of videos, images, and PowerPoint presentations. Moreover, interactive presentations can be delivered, and certain webinar applications offer a screen capture feature, enabling presenters to showcase specific websites or applications.

Webinars offer the opportunity to conduct polls, and surveys, and engage the audience with questions. Through features such as the whiteboard and live chat, all participants can communicate with the presenter. Webinars are especially well-suited for delivering professional yet engaging and creative business or marketing presentations. 

Webinars typically serve an educational purpose, but they can also function as a marketing tool to promote a product or solution, aiding lead generation and sales. They streamline marketing efforts and audience engagement.

If you're still contemplating their inclusion, explore the following reasons why your business should host webinar events this year.

The benefits of hosting a webinar

Regardless of the type of webinar you host or your company's goals, hosting webinars provides several advantages to aid in achieving your objectives. For instance, hosting a product demo extends brand awareness and contributes to a successful product launch, while educational webinars that emphasize interactivity foster deeper relationships with your audience.

For years, webinar platforms have stood out as a popular content marketing tool, and the transition to virtual events has only heightened their appeal. Let's explore some of the key business benefits of incorporating webinars into your content strategy.

1. Reach out to a larger audience

Hosting webinars virtually allows businesses and brands to access broader audiences compared to in-person events. Geographic restrictions become irrelevant, and attendees can incorporate a webinar into their own schedules rather than being required to tune in at a specific time.

2. Boost brand awareness

Webinars provide context to your brand and product by fostering a conversational atmosphere, as opposed to presenting a sales pitch or advertisement. This approach enables attendees to develop a deeper understanding of your brand.

webinar boosts brand awareness

3. Generate new leads

Hosting webinars provides a straightforward method for generating numerous high-quality leads simultaneously. Participants sign up based on the topic and their expectations from the webinar, indicating their pre-existing interest in your content. Following the webinar, the key is to proactively follow up with these new connections and assist them in taking the next step.

4. Nurture quality leads

For leads not ready to make an immediate purchase, retaining and nurturing them until they are prepared becomes possible. Webinar platforms consolidate all their contact information in one place, allowing you to monitor your communications with each lead.

5. Position as an expert in your field

Typically, authorities in the discussed subject serve as webinar hosts. Throughout your webinar, you will hold a captive audience, and attendees will place trust in your expertise and guidance due to your prominent role.

Hosting webinars not only provides the benefit of projecting yourself as a thought leader in your industry or niche but also requires delivering insightful information to build authority. To establish yourself as an authority, your focus should be on providing your audience with valuable answers to their questions and solving their problems through educational content about your product during the webinar. When your audience perceives value in your webinars, they will likely view your business as an authority in the field.

6. Product promotion

Webinars allow you to showcase all facets of your product or service in a manner that a basic static ad cannot replicate. You can directly tie your webinar to your product by presenting features and tutorials. Alternatively, you can opt for a more subtle approach by seamlessly integrating your product into problem/solution scenarios.

7. Cost-effective

Utilizing a webinar platform proves to be a cost-effective strategy for simultaneously marketing to a large audience at a minimal expense. Rather than paying per view or click, you can incur a flat rate for the webinar software, enabling you to host numerous webinars without incremental costs. The per-attendee cost remains low, and it remains consistent even as your audience expands.

8. Repurpose webinar content

The content marketing arena is already filled with noise, prompting marketers to prioritize content stretch—expanding a single piece of content as much as possible. Webinars offer an excellent opportunity for stretching your content due to the myriad ways you can repurpose them. Transform your discussions into blog posts and white papers, issue a press release, and create snippets from your webinar to share on social media. 

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9. Earn more revenue

Exposing more people to your brand or product allows them to envision its integration into their lives. Webinars attract qualified leads, increasing the likelihood of converting them into sales and ultimately driving additional revenue.

10. Audience engagement

Utilizing webinar software enables you to enhance attendee engagement through purpose-built features such as polls, Q&As, and breakout sessions. These small yet powerful tools assist in maintaining audience attention and transforming passive listeners into active participants. It fosters greater interactivity compared to a conventional advertisement, effectively drawing your audience into the conversation.

webinar engagement

11. Boost your influence and authority

Starting a new business and lacking a sizable audience for your webinar? To attract more participants, consider inviting well-known subject matter experts in your field to host the webinar. The primary advantage of bringing in speakers for your webinar is the opportunity to leverage their reputation, thereby enhancing your influence and authority in the field.

By having them host your session, you can also attract their dedicated followers. Overall, webinars prove to be an excellent avenue for building visibility and influence. Additionally, webinars offer flexibility in terms of format, allowing you to explore options such as single-speaker events, interviews, or multiple-speaker sessions. When hosting a webinar, you can select a format that aligns with your budget and objectives.

12. Create & nurture community

Webinars excel in creating and nurturing a community by offering an interactive experience. When you provide valuable information during webinars, you attract your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and those seeking knowledge, fostering a dialogue and providing a platform for engagement among attendees.

For instance, when someone poses a question, participants can vote if they share the same query. Live webinars enable individuals to express their opinions, prompting responses from others. Tools like Hubilo enhance engagement through features such as live chats, polls, quizzes, and leader scoreboards.

13. Cost-effective content marketing strategy

Once created, webinars become an integral part of your content repository, serving as evergreen content. Recording them and sharing them on-demand comes at no recurring cost, extending the lifespan of your content and providing brand traction for years to come.

14. Build thought leadership

In addition to blog writing and content promotion, webinars have demonstrated their effectiveness in establishing oneself or one's company as an industry expert. They enable direct interaction with the community and actual prospects, allowing monetization based on the chosen topic and audience.

Interactive webinars facilitate audience engagement, allowing them to familiarize themselves with you, pose questions, and collaboratively address real problems.

Ready to host your webinar? 

There are numerous reasons to host a webinar, from expanding your reach and visibility to acquiring more leads and saving money. To enhance your influence and credibility, consider inviting other industry experts to join your webinar.

The beauty of webinars is that they allow you to achieve these benefits without coming across as pesky or intrusive to your target audience. Through webinars, you can subtly demonstrate the benefits of your product and promote it.

Moreover, hosting a webinar is exceptionally affordable for businesses of any size—all you need is access to a stable internet connection and a reliable webinar hosting platform. Hubilo stands out as a robust option to help you achieve various marketing goals, whether enhancing brand promotion, increasing lead generation, or establishing your authority in the industry. Once you've built an audience, you can even turn webinars into a revenue stream for your business. 

Ready to reap the rewards of your digital efforts? Hubilo simplifies the process. Start for free to explore what Hubilo offers, and choose a plan when you're ready. Curious about how the platform operates? No problem—just book a demo to gain more insights. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? What are you waiting for? It's time to host a webinar!

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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