On-Demand Webinars: A Complete Guide to Boosting Engagement and Conversions

Discover how to increase your attendee rate by offering on-demand webinars. Learn everything you need to know about creating an on-demand webinar here.
June 3, 2024

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is king, and "on-demand" is the name of the game. Whether it's streaming movies, ordering food, or catching up on the latest news, people love having things at their fingertips when they need them. And guess what? The same goes for business too!

For B2B marketers, keeping up with this demand for convenience means embracing on-demand webinars. Did you know that over 60% of webinar views happen on-demand? That's right! 

So, why should your organization jump on the on-demand webinar bandwagon? You want to share valuable insights with your audience, but scheduling live webinars can be tricky with everyone's busy calendars. That's where on-demand webinars come in. 

They offer all the perks of live sessions – engagement, interaction, you name it – but without the hassle of coordinating schedules. Plus, they're a breeze to set up and share, making them a no-brainer for reaching your audience whenever they're ready to dive in.

What is an on-demand webinar?

On-demand webinars offer pre-recorded sessions accessible for viewing anytime, without the need for prior registration. Whether it's a recording of a live webinar or a purposefully crafted pre-recorded session, an on-demand webinar caters to viewers' schedules, particularly busy professionals unable to attend live events. This flexibility has fueled a surge in the popularity of on-demand webinars in recent years.

In contrast to scheduled webinars with set dates, on-demand sessions allow instant access, removing the need for prior planning. Without a countdown clock, on-demand webinars offer immediacy, resulting in higher attendance rates. Viewers engage with the content at their most convenient time, leading to increased audience interaction and potentially higher conversion rates (depending on the webinar software used).

These webinars can be hosted on various platforms like websites or blogs, where they can be embedded for easy access. Registrations for on-demand webinars remain open continuously, making them a valuable source of evergreen content. Leveraging pre-recorded material from past live webinars or creating fresh content specifically for on-demand viewing are both viable options.

While the registration process for on-demand webinars mirrors that of live events, registrants no longer need to await a specific date and time to access the content. Upon completing the registration, they gain instant entry to the webinar. Certain webinar platforms may offer an access code for immediate room entry, streamlining the viewer experience.

On-demand vs. live webinar: What is the difference?

The main difference between on-demand and live webinars is their accessibility and timing. On-demand webinars are available 24/7 as they are pre-recorded, while live webinars occur in real-time and require prior planning. Live webinars can only be accessed during their scheduled date and time.

Engagement levels vary between the two types of webinars. Live webinars are often more engaging for viewers, enabling interactions throughout the presentation. Viewers can actively participate by submitting polls, asking questions, engaging in chat discussions, and receiving instant responses from the presenters.

On-demand webinar vs. a regular video - What's the difference

"Isn't an on-demand webinar just a video of a previously recorded webinar?" In essence, what sets an on-demand webinar apart from a regular video?

In reality, most on-demand webinars created using traditional webinar software are merely gated recordings of webinars that require attendees to register before accessing them.

Any webinar experience should involve interactive elements and chat functionality. When attendees provide their email addresses and contact information, they expect a helpful and engaging experience. A regular video lacking interactivity leaves a negative impression of your brand, where they cannot ask questions or engage.

For the Marketer Who's Always On: Turn Your Webinars Into A Demand-Generation Engine 

On the other hand, on-demand webinars created with Hubilo are interactive, featuring polls, questions, handouts, and more. Attendees can ask questions and connect with your team through chat, fostering a meaningful and engaging experience. 

These interactive webinar features capture attendees' attention and enable direct interaction, leading to increased conversion rates and heightened customer satisfaction and retention.

When should you use on-demand webinars?

On-demand webinars are ideal for various scenarios, including customer training, where they can deliver faster and more efficient training and information to clients. Additionally, on-demand webinars prove highly valuable for lead qualification and generating top-of-funnel leads. Instead of requiring direct contact with a salesperson, companies can direct on-demand webinars to the least qualified leads.

The technology needed for your on-demand webinar

Your potential attendees have busy schedules and high expectations. Therefore, after putting in significant marketing efforts to attract viewers to your webinars, whether live or recorded, it's crucial to create a positive impression when they log in. Webinars generally involve higher volume and require less effort than other event types. However, you still need the appropriate webinar technology to bring these events to life.

Which webinar solution is the right fit for your needs? After evaluating your current resources and considering potential platforms, there are several questions to ponder:

  • What is the budget?
  • Is the webinar software user-friendly?
  • What features and capabilities, such as Chat, Quizzes, production help, etc., do you want/need?
  • Can you have more than one presenter?
  • Does the tool integrate with the software you already have?
  • Do you need to conduct live webinars, on-demand webinars, or both?
  • What data do you require, and what data and analytics can the tool provide?
  • Are there available support resources?


Combining the right technology, compelling content, and an effective promotion strategy, your on-demand webinar program can generate robust leads for your organization, provide deeper insights into your prospects, and satisfy your sales team.

Elevate Your On-Demand Webinars with AI-Driven Media+: A Smart Content Library That Moves Viewers Down The Funnel

Let your on demand videos do more than just sit on your website. Curate your video repository in a few easy steps and let it drive organic views and generate leads. Check out Media+ 

Want to see Hubilo in action? Request a demo.


Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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