Turn Your Webinars Into A Demand-Generation Engine

For the Marketer Who's Always On: Turn Your Webinars Into A Demand-Generation Engine

Events are an opportunity to engage prospects throughout the buyer's journey. Here is how to use Webinar+ to turn your webinars into a Demand-generation engine and maximize ROI.
May 4, 2023

Marketers can leverage an 'always on' event strategy to delight buyers and stay competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace. An 'always-on' demand-generation approach has customers at the center of every campaign. The goal is to offer value to audiences based on their unique needs throughout their buying journey.  

What is an "Always-On" event strategy?

Every customer is unique and seeks information from you at each stage of the buying process. Events are an opportunity to engage and nurture prospects throughout their buyer's journey. 

An always-on event strategy incorporates interactive events throughout the year to connect with audiences at every stage of their buying process. By constantly engaging with customers through events, businesses can build stronger customer relationships, gain valuable data insights, and discover new growth opportunities.  

Succeed in your "Always-On" event strategy with Hubilo Webinar+

Events with customers are more than one-off occurrences. As a marketer, you can leverage Hubilo Webinar+ to experiment with different B2B engagements, communicate your value proposition, and personalize your marketing efforts. 

Seamless planning and execution enables each event to be cohesive and flow into each other. From product launches and brand events to user conferences, Webinar+ covers it all! You can deliver highly targeted marketing messages and provide real value to your customers with engaging events throughout the year.  

With many engagement opportunities, customization capabilities, personalization features, and real-time attendee-level insights, Webinar+ is designed for personalized lead nurturing. Every time you host an event, Webinar+ delivers data-driven insights and opportunities for lead nurture to accelerate your sales funnel.  

Real-time data covering registration reports, email analytics, audience engagement, and lead score ensures more event success and ROI. You gain visibility over all your marketing KPIs in one place. With a consistent brand presence spread across multiple touchpoints, you can leave a lasting impression on audiences and encourage them to purchase. 

Read and Learn: How to Harness Webinars for a 2X Pipeline Boost

See how to leverage attendee-level insights with Webinar+ to personalize your sales and marketing nurture for increased engagement rates and conversions. Here are the top tips for executing an 'always on' event strategy.

leverage attendee-level insights with Webinar+
Examples of events that you can host with an always-on event strategy for various stages of the buyer’s journey.

Turn your webinars into a demand-generation engine that maximizes ROI

Tip 1: Know your target audience and their goals

First impressions matter! Seamless registration and a quick-start are vital to get the right leads to your events and ensure maximum attendance. To create a frictionless user experience, you need to understand your audience and their most important goals. 

Through cross-functional collaboration with the product, growth, and sales team, you can align your event strategy to meet the needs of different customer segments at various buyer stages. You can create customized registration pages and email nurture sequences with a clear understanding of your audience's tastes and preferences. 

The Hubilo factor: Event marketing tools that bring high-quality leads

Webinar+ offers all the tools you need to bring the right target audience to your events! Attract your ideal customers with beautiful landing pages. Set up and go live in minutes with our drag-and-drop landing page builder. Embed your forms on external websites to promote your event and get more sign-ups. Scale your email communication efforts with an automated email engine with detailed reporting and audience segmentation capabilities. Send the right emails to the right audience before, during, and after the event. With Hubilo, you can improve registrations, event attendance, and conversions like never before. 

Tip 2: Adapt your content strategy to match industry trends 

Audiences want opportunities for real-time engagement. Attendees want instant responses to their queries. Your content strategy has to align with the latest market trends and your audience's needs. Moreover, it should enable live interactions. Interactive ABM webinars are a great way to curate an interactive experience for specific audience segments or accounts. Interactive webinars offer unique opportunities to engage and know your audience better.

The Hubilo factor: Engagement that translates to ROI

Webinar+ offers new opportunities for actionable audience insights! Hubilo's enhanced session layout with tables gives your sales team, partners, and customers more opportunities to interact organically. Attendees can ask questions, take surveys, share reactions, and easily send quick chats. Live polls can capture real-time buying signals. Real-time engagement analytics can help identify event sections, products, and services that generate the most interest. As a marketer, you can capture all this engagement data to equip your sales team with the intel they need to follow up and close deals.

Maximize webinar engagement and ROI with Hubilo
Maximize webinar engagement and ROI with Hubilo

Tip 3: Run data-driven marketing campaigns with every webinar

Want higher close rates? Give your audience the right content at the right time through the right channel. Get to know your audience better with real-time event data. By streamlining all your event data for targeted follow-ups, you can eliminate the guesswork from your marketing campaigns and get better results. 

The Hubilo factor:  Meaningful analytics that gets results every time

Simplify lead nurture with Webinar+. Capture all attendee touch points in one place, from when they land on your registration page to how they engage with your content during the session. It offers live data tracking, lead scoring to identify hot leads, comprehensive post-event reports, and user-friendly custom reporting capabilities. Webinar+ captures granular behavioral data that tells you who your prospects are and what motivates them to act. You get data-driven insights on the best possible nurture content.  

Enhanced marketing integrations turn this intent data into tangible actions for conversions. A well-connected integrated ecosystem of tools combines all your event data in one place. By seamlessly connecting your webinar data into your MarTech and CRM stack, Webinar+ allows you to run precise, data-driven campaigns that increase engagement and conversions. With relevant and contextual follow-ups, your prospects are more likely to buy.

Download Hubilo's Essential Guide to Repurposing Webinar Content


Audiences today seek a personalized buying experience with meaningful, timely, and relevant content. Attract, engage, and nurture your leads in one place with the industry's most advanced event marketing software. Know your customers at a deeper level with Webinar+. Engage them at every stage of the buying process with an 'always-on’ event strategy. With engagement features, real-time data tracking, and CRM integrations, Webinar+ makes it easy to build an innovative, data-driven marketing strategy. 

See how you can succeed with an 'always-on’ demand generation program with Hubilo. Contact us for a personalized demo!

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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