Participants Actively listening in on a seminar

Webinars vs. Seminars: Are Webinars Going to Steal the Show?

There are many benefits to hosting events like webinars and seminars. If you’re not sure which event to host, we can help! We’ll go through all the differences between the two.
November 29, 2022

If you have landed on this page, chances are that you will soon be planning a conference but aren’t sure what to choose between hosting a seminar versus a webinar. While many people strongly believe that virtual interactions will never equal in-person ones, the development in technology and the switch to remote work following the pandemic has shown that popularity of virtual events such as webinars has increased considerably and that they help companies and organizations to reach their goals.

So what is better between webinars vs seminars in order to help you reach your goals? Let’s start by explaining what they are.

What is a Webinar?

The word webinar comes from the words web and seminar. A webinar is a virtual event held by organizations, companies, or individuals, in which participants can interact with each other by sharing knowledge about a topic, discussing shared interests, raising awareness, and promoting goods and services. Companies can use webinars as a strong marketing tool to reach and educate a global audience about their products and services, which can potentially lead to an increase in sales. Webinars are also an excellent tool to educate students on any particular topic as part of their curriculum.

What Is a Seminar?

A seminar is an in-person event that is aimed to gather and educate participants about a particular topic. Generally hosted by companies, organizations, and educational institutions, seminars can be events such as training courses, lectures, or panel discussions. Seminars can be used as a training tool by companies that wish for their employees to gain more knowledge to boost productivity. Seminars are also beneficial for participants who can feel inspired and motivated by the knowledge gained from guest speakers, and they can use what they learn during the seminar to implement it in their personal lives or careers.

Are Webinars and Seminars the Same?

While they are both great educational tools, webinars and seminars are not the same. The first difference is that a webinar is a type of virtual event whereas a seminar is held in-person. Because webinars are taking place online, they are a better marketing and promotion tool compared to seminars, as they allow companies to engage with a large audience from all around the world at the same time. Although they can both be used to share knowledge and to engage discussions about different topics, seminars are aimed at an internal audience, when on the other hand, webinars are intended for an external audience.

Webinar vs. Seminar - A Comparison

Webinars and seminars have a number of differences between them, including location, equipment, cost, presenters, and reach. We’ve covered the basics of each difference in a chart below!

Parameters Webinars Seminars
Location Virtually In-person at a venue
Equipment A strong internet connection and a quality camera Presentation software, a computer, microphones, speakers, a projector, and more
Cost Varies but less than an in-person seminar Varies but greater than a virtual webinar cost
Presenter Joining virtually from anywhere Present at venue location
Reach Unlimited The audience present at the venue

Hosting a Virtual Seminar Rather In-Person

If you’re choosing to host a seminar but don’t know if it should be virtual or in-person, there are a few things to consider. The first is to make sure you have plenty of staff ready during your seminar to help out any moment for an in-person event. To host an in-person event, you’ll also need the funds to not only pay for the venue, but also for any food services or travel accommodations. The accessibility to event analytics will also be limited compared to having an event through an experience hosting platform. However, if your audience prefers to interact in person and they value team building activities, hosting an in person seminar may be more beneficial. 

Hosting a Virtual Webinar 

Hosting a virtual webinar is always a good idea, especially if you want to save on costs that would arise if you hosted an in-person event. When you host a virtual webinar, one of the most important factors is ensuring you have enough engagement features to engage your guests. Look for a video hosting platform that includes features such as live chats, pools, and the opportunity to have breakout sessions for viewers. The reach you have when hosting a virtual webinar is another big benefit - with no venue capacity to worry about, your webinar can be broadcasted to viewers all over the world! 

Young professional Sitting in on a webinar from a coffee shop

9 Things You Should Know Before Hosting Webinars and Seminars 

<span class="mid-size-title">1. Time Constraints</span>

With a seminar, your attendees have to make sure they’re at the venue at the correct time and place so they don’t miss out on any valuable information. With a webinar, you don’t have to worry about attendees not being able to show up- since it’s virtual, they can join from anywhere in the world! 

<span class="mid-size-title">2. Cost-Effectiveness</span>

The cost of hosting a webinar is much less than the costs of hosting a seminar. With a webinar, the main costs you have to worry about are the hosting platform costs as well as equipment and guest speaker rates. Seminars, however, are more costly. You have to pay for not only the venue, but for any catering, possible travel expenses, and a team to film the seminar if it’s a hybrid event. An additional cost are the speakers you have at the event - they’ll need travel accommodations and more.

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<span class="mid-size-title">3. Face to Face Learning</span>

In-person seminars are perfect for those attendees who learn better live at in-person events. Guests who live further away might find it more convenient to stream the event, so making your event hybrid is a great and safe option. 

A fun environment at an in person seminar

<span class="mid-size-title">4. Audience Analytics and Data Reports</span>

A difficulty you may find hosting an in-person seminar compared to holding one hybrid or fully virtual is collecting event analytics. With a hybrid or virtual event, the hosting platform you choose typically provides event and audience analytics. Having data backed reports from your event can help improve any future events you have as well. 

<span class="mid-size-title">5. Team Engagement Activities</span>

A seminar is great if you want to have various team building activities in-person! Webinars aren’t without team building capabilities however; many hosting platforms have engagement features that encourage audience interaction, like live chats, breakout sessions, and gamification. 

<span class="mid-size-title">6. Comfort</span>

Thanks to the transition of in-person events to virtual, comfortability is now a big factor in deciding whether to have a virtual or in-person event. People may have a preference now whether they want to attend an event that allows them to stay comfortable in their homes or go to a venue and attend in person. 

<span class="mid-size-title">7. Networking</span>

A seminar allows attendees to create professional and personal connections face to face with other attendees or guest speakers. A webinar allows the same opportunity, but is limited to interactions through a screen. If you and your audience prefer in-person interactions, this is where a seminar would probably be the better option. 

<span class="mid-size-title">8. Attention</span>

While a webinar has it’s benefits like comfortability and low cost, keeping guest’s attention is one virtual event aspect that can be hard to manage. Since people can join the event from all over, you never know what distractions they may face from wherever they are. At a seminar, it’s easier for people to keep their attention on the event content since it’s being presented first hand in person. 

<span class="mid-size-title">9. Meeting Context</span>

There are differences between a seminar and webinar in terms of their contexts. With a seminar, it’s understood that people meet in-person at a specific venue to learn about a specific topic. With webinars, it’s understood that the event is taking place online and is fully virtual with people joining in from all over the world. 

Why Hosting Webinars is Beneficial in Recent Times

The best few years have shown us that anything can really be done virtually thanks to modern technology. We’ll cover some of the top benefits to holding a webinar: 

<span class="mid-size-title">1. Monetization</span>

Webinars have plenty of monetization tactics. Including a unique link for every attendee as well as additional opportunities for monetization. 

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<span class="mid-size-title">2. More Inclusive</span>

Inclusivity is a big benefit of hosting a webinar. With the format of the event being virtual, it opens up the chance for anyone who would have limitations attending your event in-person to still attend. 

<span class="mid-size-title">3. Easy Access</span>

Webinars make it easy for speakers with an extremely busy schedule to attend from wherever they are in the world. The price to have a guest speaker present at your webinar may even cost less from not having to worry about their travel costs. 

How to Get Started with Your Own Virtual Seminar or Webinar  

Young professional hosting a webinar from home

There’s so much educational value to hosting virtual events no matter how big your audience is. If you’ve decided to make the move in hosting your very own virtual seminar or webinar, we can assist you! We’ve helped countless businesses hold virtual seminars and webinars for varying industries, and can help you tackle each step of the planning process. Reach out to one of our experts to begin the seminar or webinar process!


1. What Are the Benefits of Hosting a Roundtable Discussion for B2B Tech Companies?

Answer: Roundtable discussions provide a platform for in-depth conversations around industry-specific topics. They allow for the exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions among peers and experts, thereby positioning your company as a thought leader in the tech sector.

2. How Do I Choose an Appropriate Topic for a Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: The topic should address current industry trends, challenges, or innovations that resonate with your target audience. A narrow, focused topic usually encourages more in-depth dialogue. Conduct market research or consult your customer personas to identify issues that matter to your audience.

3. How Many Participants Should I Invite to a B2B Tech Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: Typically, a roundtable discussion should have between 6-12 participants to allow for meaningful conversation while giving everyone a chance to speak. The number can vary based on the complexity of the topic and the intended length of the discussion.

4. Who Should Moderate the Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: Choose a moderator with subject matter expertise and strong facilitation skills. This person should be able to guide the discussion effectively, involve all participants, and keep the conversation on track.

5. What Format Works Best for B2B Tech Roundtable Discussions: In-Person or Virtual?

Answer: Both formats have their advantages. In-person events offer richer interaction but may limit participation due to location constraints. Virtual roundtables are more accessible and convenient but may lack some nuances of face-to-face interaction.

6. How Can I Encourage Active Participation from All Attendees?

Answer: Pre-event communication to set the agenda and share discussion points can help attendees come prepared. During the event, the moderator should invite quieter participants to share their perspectives and balance the conversation among all attendees.

7. Should I Record the Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: Recording the discussion can be beneficial for creating content like summaries, blog posts, or even podcasts. However, you should always inform participants in advance and secure their consent.

8. How Do I Ensure the Confidentiality of Sensitive Information Shared?

Answer: You can use Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and explicitly state the confidentiality terms before the start of the discussion. Choose a secure platform for virtual roundtables to ensure data privacy.

9. How Do I Promote My B2B Tech Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: Leverage social media, email marketing, and industry partnerships to attract the right attendees. Promoting it through participants’ networks can also help attract a more targeted audience.

10. How Can I Measure the Success of a Roundtable Discussion?

Answer: Post-event surveys for feedback, analysis of attendee engagement, and tracking any business opportunities or partnerships that arise from the discussion can serve as good performance indicators.

1. What Are the Primary Differences Between Webinars and Seminars for B2B Tech Companies?

Answer: Webinars are virtual events that allow for a global reach, lower costs, and convenient access. Seminars are in-person events that offer rich face-to-face interactions but may have geographical and logistical limitations.

2. How Do Webinars and Seminars Affect the Marketing Budget?

Answer: Webinars generally cost less because they eliminate venue, travel, and logistical expenses. However, there may be costs associated with software and promotion. Seminars involve a higher budget due to the costs of the venue, travel, catering, and more.

3. Which Format Is More Scalable?

Answer: Webinars are more scalable as they can accommodate a large number of attendees regardless of their location. Seminars are usually limited by venue capacity and geographical reach.

4. How Do Webinars and Seminars Compare in Audience Engagement?

Answer: Seminars often provide higher engagement due to face-to-face interactions. Webinars can still be interactive but may require additional features like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat functions to engage the audience effectively.

5. Which Is More Convenient for a B2B Tech Audience?

Answer: Webinars offer greater convenience as attendees can join from anywhere without travel commitments. Seminars may offer deeper engagement but require attendees to be physically present, which can be a constraint.

6. Can Both Webinars and Seminars Be Repurposed for Content?

Answer: Yes, both can be recorded and the content repurposed into blogs, social media posts, podcasts, or whitepapers. However, webinars are often easier to record and repurpose due to their digital nature.

7. What Are the Technical Requirements for Hosting Webinars and Seminars?

Answer: Webinars require stable internet connectivity, webinar software, and quality audio-visual equipment. Seminars require a venue with good acoustics, AV equipment, and possibly a team to manage logistics.

8. How Do Webinars and Seminars Differ in Lead Generation Potential?

Answer: Webinars often allow for better lead tracking and data collection since interactions are digitally recorded. Seminars may offer high-quality leads but tracking may be manual and therefore less comprehensive.

9. How Quickly Can I Set Up a Webinar Compared to a Seminar?

Answer: Webinars can be set up more quickly, often in a matter of days, especially if you already have the necessary software and equipment. Seminars usually require more planning, potentially weeks or months, to secure a venue and manage logistics.

10. Should I Choose a Webinar or Seminar Based on My Content?

Answer: Complex topics that require hands-on demonstrations or deep engagement may benefit from a seminar format. Webinars are often suitable for informational content, product launches, and educational sessions that don't require physical presence.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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