Hubilo and Pardot integration

Transform your Webinar Experience and Automate Workflows with the Hubilo + Pardot Integration

Transform your webinar strategy with Hubilo and Pardot's seamless integration. Sync data in real-time, eliminate manual tasks, and gain deeper insights into attendee activity for targeted follow-ups.
December 18, 2023

Pardot does its magic by tapping into what you already know about your prospects. It sifts through the data they've shared via forms, your Salesforce CRM, or other platforms. Now, imagine your webinars on Hubilo - those interactive sessions where your prospects are asking questions and participating in polls. All that information is marketing gold. You want to capture all that activity to truly understand their intent.

That's where integrations come into play. Data seamlessly flows between Hubilo and your CRM/MAP stack, saving you from the headache of juggling information for your sales teams and follow-up campaigns. Hubilo's Webinar+ syncs effortlessly with Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, and now, Pardot!

It's something you've all been asking for, and it's here to make converting Pardot lists into Hubilo webinar registrants a breeze.

Hubilo and Pardot integration for automation

No more manual list uploads between platforms - say goodbye to that hassle! With this integration, you can redirect your focus to crafting an unforgettable event experience.

Our Hubilo and Pardot integration is a powerhouse for personalizing customer journeys, executing spot-on follow-ups, and running top-notch nurture campaigns.

Setting this integration enables you to automate workflows and manual tasks while syncing your webinar data with Pardot in real-time. Get instant access to crucial webinar data without the tedious post-event manual data uploads. 

Hubilo and Pardot integration with calendar block feature

This integration even helps you drive registrations to your webinars with breezy sign-ups. Export Hubilo Magic Links (yes, the 1-click login) to Pardot and send out personalized invites hassle-free. Set up auto-calendar blocks to ensure your audience never misses a webinar, and those magic links on invite emails mean instant access - no extra login steps needed!

Now, let's talk about conversions. Webinars contain a wealth of insights from prospects. Leverage these webinar engagement data to supercharge your pipeline. Export attendee activity data in Pardot, for example the questions an attendee has asked, or their responses to a poll, paving the way for personalized follow-ups and nurture campaigns. Share these insights with your sales team to arm them with a deeper understanding of buyer intent and spark more impactful sales conversations.

These are just a few highlights to kickstart your journey with Hubilo and Pardot. Dive deeper into our offerings, including integrations with Marketo and other exciting tools. Ready to elevate your integration game? Let's get started!


1. What are the benefits of using Hubilo and Pardot together?

Automatically syncing data between Hubilo and Pardot can eliminate manual work, saving you a lot of time and effort. It also makes it easier to update your customer database, automate your workflows, create more personalized customer journeys, and more.

2.Can Pardot’s segmented lists be synced with Hubilo's attendee list?

Yes. You can automatically send lists from your Pardot account as registrations to your webinars or events on Hubilo.

3. How does the enhanced integration between Hubilo and Pardot improve lead management?

You can use attendee activity data directly on Pardot to qualify leads and run targeted follow-up campaigns to boost conversions.

4. Can I customize the integration to suit my specific event marketing needs?

Yes. You can use Hubilo + Pardot integration based on your needs and goals.

5. How can I set up the Hubilo and Pardot integration for my business or organization?

It is straightforward. Sign in to your Pardot account from the integration section of your Hubilo dashboard. After authentication, you can map what profile fields or attendee activity data you want to sync. Enable sync, and you are all set.

6. How can I use Hubilo and Pardot's integration to improve my overall event marketing strategy?

Hubilo and Pardot integration opens up many new possibilities for you to explore. You can easily use the event data from Hubilo, along with data on your entire MarTech stack, to create better customer journeys, run more targeted campaigns, and maximize your ROI.

Maximize performance with Hubilo's Webinar+

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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