virtual room networking like sending meeting invite in the chats

3 Ways to Secure Sales Meetings Through your Virtual Event

Webinars and virtual events are a great source for quality meetings for your sales teams. Here is how you can use Hubilo to get more sales meetings from your event.
March 22, 2023

Virtual events and webinars provide fun, easy, and exciting ways for sales to connect with potential customers. The engaging, no-pressure, and relevant setting lets attendees and sales teams interact, network, and build high-value connections comfortably. The more interaction opportunities your sales team has with prospects, the better outcomes they can deliver.

An easy-to-navigate event platform can make the experience all the more engaging and rewarding for everyone involved. Event platforms offer a great opportunity to showcase your products, connect with prospects, and seamlessly book demo meetings. You can attract, engage and convert the right ICPs - all in one place. In addition to driving organic interactions, you can arm your sales team with real-time behavioral insights for targeted follow-ups and meeting invites that get responses. 

Here are some ideas to help your sales teams book more qualified meetings through virtual events.

How to get more sales meetings from your virtual event

1. Host interactive roundtables in virtual lounges.

76% of all event attendees attend for networking purposes. Your attendees want to network and connect with the right people at events. You can connect your audience with keynote speakers and energetic sales team members in an intimate setting. Positioning your salesperson as ushers for expertise can facilitate resourceful discussion between them and potential customers. Your prospects can get all their questions answered and feel involved in the event. Interactive virtual lounges are ideal for bringing together small groups of like-minded people for various discussions. As prospects build familiarity with the sales teams, they are more likely to trust them when they're reached out to for a meeting or demo invite. 

Host interactive roundtables in virtual lounges
Forge connections in networking lounges

2. Drive experiential networking in virtual rooms.

Your attendees want to discover and interact with peers at your event. But why not think outside the box and curate experiences? Think of new creative ways to drive organic interactions. Ideas can go from virtual games/contests, mixology, and art/craft to cooking. These informal gatherings make it easy and comfortable for everyone to interact freely. Sales teams will appreciate the opportunity to establish meaningful relationships, and prospects/customers will love the special treatment. The interactive experience will entertain and incentivize prospects in your pipeline, giving them that extra push to book meetings and sales demos with you.

Drive experiential networking in virtual rooms
Host experiential events that encourage interaction

3. Facilitate immediate 1-on-1 meetings 

One-on-one meetings improve audience satisfaction and networking at virtual events. Your prospects want to connect with the right people to learn more about your offering. Timely meeting invites with relevant information about your services can motivate audiences to respond positively to sales. 

Collaborate with sales teams to identify and invite the right ICPs for a discussion. Use intel from conversations and engagement at the event to gauge buying signals and send contextual, meaningful email invites. For instance, hot leads can be identified by looking for the most active participants on an event leaderboard. You can also use engagement data such as Q&As to capture key notes, and craft tailor-made meeting invites that have higher chances of getting accepted.

Another way to get higher meeting acceptance is to personally invite prospects who have expressed interest in a specific topic to a relevant webinar or event. You can personally check in on them with even more relevant conversation points and helpful content resources. With the right attendee insights and content, the sales team can win a prospect's buy-in for a demo call or discussion.

Download Forrester Consulting and Hubilo's research about Using Engaging Webinars to Elevate the Sales Pipeline

Webinars and virtual events are excellent sources for quality meetings for your sales teams. Event platforms offer a lot of unique features that help you deliver interactive experiences and create networking opportunities to schedule further touchpoints, strike chords with your leads, and generate ROI. With the right event technology, you can build a genuine connection with prospects, schedule more sales meetings, and close opportunities. 

Get more sales meetings and revenue with Hubilo

Be it a live session or a recorded session, bring a wave of professionalism and quality to every session with Hubilo. Organizations worldwide trust Hubilo to power their virtual, in-person, and hybrid events. 

On average, attendees on the Hubilo network in lounges for nearly 3 hours during the event! With Hubilo's extensive branding capabilities, compelling engagement features, and data integration features, you'll realize new success with every event. Get in touch with us to learn how you can use Hubilo to host inspiring events to engage your audience and generate revenue. Request a personalized demo OR watch a live or on-demand demo.


Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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