Hubilo Sales Nudger

Empower Your Sales Reps With Insights To Drive Pipeline and Conversions Like Never Before

Discover how Hubilo Sales Nudger empowers your sales reps with actionable insights from webinars, enhancing engagement, conversions, and ROI. Learn how to boost your sales funnel with timely and personalized follow-ups.
August 17, 2023

Webinars are a powerful tool for engaging prospects, generating leads, and nurturing them through the sales funnel. But how do you ensure your webinar efforts create greater value?

You do all the hard work to promote your webinar and host an engaging one - hoping to generate quality leads and eventually convert them into customers. 

But often, all these engagement insights from your webinars which could have helped you grow your pipeline, never get used or aren't passed to the right sales rep before it's too late.

Introducing Hubilo Sales Nudger 

Hubilo Sales Nudger lets you instantly pass on actionable insights from your webinars as personalized Slack notifications to individual sales reps (lead/ contact owners), enabling them to quickly follow up and engage with the accounts that matter to them.

Delivering the right insight to the right sales rep at the right time ensures more personalized and timely follow-ups - boosting engagement, conversions, and ROI from your webinars.

Here's how Hubilo Sales Nudger works:

Hubilo + Slack + Salesforce

Hubilo + Slack + Salesforce with Hubilo sales Nudger

Connect your Salesforce Account and Slack Workspace from the Integrations section of your Hubilo dashboard to create a streamlined process for delivering valuable insights from your webinars directly to the right sales rep.

Sales Nudger will automatically scan your Salesforce account to find leads/ contacts mapped to individual sales reps and will notify them on Slack based on the webinar activities of their assigned accounts.

Keep your Sales Reps Informed Beforehand

Keep your Sales Reps Informed with Hubilo Sales Nudger

Imagine how much your sales reps will appreciate if they get notified whenever their prospects register for a webinar.

Sales Nudger automatically sends a personalized message to respective sales reps as soon as their assigned lead/ contact register for a webinar, helping them stay on top of everything happening in their target accounts and get the conversation started even before the webinar begins.

Download Forrester Consulting and Hubilo's research about Using Engaging Webinars to Elevate the Sales Pipeline

Ensure Timely and Prepared Follow-ups

Ensure Timely and Prepared Follow-ups with Sales Nudger

The key to successful lead engagement is proper preparation, timely follow-ups, and relevant conversations. With Sales Nudger, your sales reps receive aggregated pre-webinar summaries 24 hours before the webinar begins. 

These summaries include a list of all their leads and contacts who have registered for the webinar - along with crucial details like lead status, lead stage, opportunity stage, opportunity amount, and more to help the sales reps be well-prepared and personalize their conversations better.

Actionable Post-Webinar Insights

After the webinar, the engagement doesn't stop. Sales Nudger provides your sales reps with aggregated post-webinar summaries, showcasing which leads and contacts attended the webinar and which ones did not to help the sales rep prioritize their follow-ups and tailor their messages based on webinar attendance.

Boost Engagement, Conversions, and ROI

Boost Engagement, Conversions, and ROI  with Hubilo Sales nudger.webp

Understanding buyer intent is essential for converting leads into customers. Hubilo Sales Nudger takes it further by sharing prospects' webinar activities like questions asked during the webinar, polls answered, hand raised, webinar watch time, Hubilo Conversion Prompt CTA clicks, Lead Score, and more to help the sales reps gauge a prospect's intent better and structure their sales conversations accordingly.

Elevate Your Sales Game Today

Hubilo Sales Nudger can give you and your sales team the edge in today's highly competitive world. Easily automate sharing valuable insights with your sales team, redefine how they follow up with their prospects, and take your webinar conversions and ROI to new heights.

Want to see Hubilo Sales Nudger in action? Request a demo now.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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Registration and attendance expansion
Addictive engagement features
Gen-AI Snackable Content Hub to make repurposing a breeze
Revenue Impact Dashboard
and more....
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