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How to Create a Webinar Funnel That Converts

Discover how to create a powerful webinar sales funnel that generates quality leads, builds brand awareness, and converts prospects. Learn the essential steps, from defining your target audience to hosting a memorable webinar and implementing follow-up strategies. Maximize the potential of webinars as a marketing tool and take your business to new heights.
June 19, 2023

Creating a product or service that will change people's lives requires countless hours and resources. However, one problem arises – reaching the ideal audience becomes a struggle. That's where a webinar sales funnel becomes the secret weapon. It can generate leads, build brand awareness, educate the audience, and convert prospects into paying customers.

In today's digital age, webinars have emerged as a powerful marketing tool, allowing businesses to connect with their audience meaningfully and engagingly. Statistics reveal the remarkable potential of webinars as a lead generation and conversion mechanism. According to InsideSales.com, 73% of sales and marketing leaders agree that webinars are among the best ways to generate quality leads. Furthermore, the same study found that 20-40% of webinar attendees turn into qualified leads, making webinars an incredibly effective tool for lead nurturing.

But how can you create a webinar funnel that automates your sales process, scales your business, and achieves your marketing goals? This blog will break down the webinar funnel process and provide practical tips to help you achieve your goals. From crafting compelling webinar topics to optimizing your registration process and leveraging post-webinar follow-ups, we'll guide you through each step of the process. Learn how to create a webinar funnel that converts and takes your marketing efforts to new heights.

What is a webinar funnel?

A webinar funnel is a structured series of sales funnels designed to attract and convert new prospects into paying customers. The primary objective of the webinar funnel is to entice individuals to attend the webinar, whether it's a live event or an on-demand webinar. However, the process continues. The funnel typically comprises five stages.

webinar sales funnel

Five Stages of Webinar Funnel


In this initial stage of the funnel, the focus is on generating interest in your business through social media, paid ads, content marketing, and email marketing. The way you approach this can vary, but the goal is to encourage people to sign up for your webinar, attracting new leads at the top of the funnel (ToFu). 53% of marketers say webinars are the top-of-the-funnel format that generates the most high-quality leads.


Once individuals have signed up for your webinar, they enter the interest stage. This part is crucial. Using webinar marketing strategies and email sequence, you strive to maintain their engagement by providing valuable educational resources, sending emails, or sharing teasers. These leads transition from the ToFu to the middle of the funnel (MoFu).


During the webinar, your objective is to educate the audience about the benefits and value of your product or service. This funnel stage represents the consideration phase, where potential customers evaluate the pros and cons of your offering. They now occupy the bottom of the funnel (BoFu), looking for examples and concrete ways your product can help them.


Towards the end of the webinar funnels, you guide your audience toward the purchase stage. Leveraging automated sales mechanisms, you may offer open promotions, special pricing, or discounts to incentivize them to spend their money. If they don't make an immediate purchase, you can continue following up with future resources or on-demand webinar opportunities.


Your interaction with the customer should continue even after successfully making a sale. This is the day-to-day process of nurturing relationships. The last stage of the funnel involves following up with customers, providing ongoing support, and seeking feedback through webinar tools. This approach enhances the customer experience, increasing the likelihood of positive recommendations, affiliate partnerships, and brand loyalty.

webinar funnel and pipeline acceleration with Webinar+

Benefits of creating a webinar funnel

Creating a webinar funnel offers several benefits that can significantly impact your sales and marketing efforts. These benefits include:

Facilitating face-to-face connections with prospects

Webinars allow direct interaction with attendees through live chat and Q&A sessions, enabling you to establish personal relationships and build trust with your options.

Expanding your audience reach

Unlike in-person events, webinars are accessed from anywhere, and with websites landing pages marketing techniques, you can attract even more participants. It presents an opportunity to extend your brand's visibility and attract potential customers who may have yet to be aware of your online business.

Establishing your brand as a thought leader

Establish your brand as an authority for your audience by delivering valuable insights and expertise through webinars. Hosting a great webinar establishes credibility, builds trust, and cultivates loyalty among your target audience, increasing the likelihood that they will choose your brand when purchasing.

Generating leads

Webinars can effectively lead people into your sales funnel. Companies that host webinars generate 2.5 times more leads than those that don't. Creating an automated webinar sales funnel allows you to continuously attract new leads without actively working on it. Once people register for the webinar, it becomes a gateway for them to learn about your business and become customers.

webinar lead generation

Sales Conversion

Webinars can drive sales by combining educational content with strategic selling points. With the help of video demonstrations, companies using webinars experienced a 40% increase in the conversion rate of marketing-qualified leads to sales-qualified leads. You can effectively convert webinar attendees into paying customers by addressing your audience's pain points and demonstrating how your product can solve their problems.

11 steps to create a webinar sales funnel

When building your webinar funnel, it is crucial to prioritize the value the webinar will offer the audience and define your overall objectives.

1. Define your target audience

Who is your ideal customer? What are their needs? Understanding your target audience and how your webinar can address their pain points is vital to creating an effective funnel.

Utilize analytics tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics platforms to gain insights into the demographics and interests of your visitors and social media followers. Conduct customer surveys or polls on platforms like LinkedIn to gather direct feedback from potential buyers.

By understanding your target audience's needs and preferences, you can create a webinar that provides relevant and valuable content, increasing the chances of attracting and engaging your ideal customers.

2. Determine your success criteria

Defining the success criteria will help you set clear targets and evaluate the effectiveness of your webinar in achieving your business objectives. Defining your success criteria is essential to ensure a successful webinar. Consider the following factors:

  • Revenue target: Determine the target revenue you aim to achieve through your event marketing strategy. Identify what percentage of this revenue goal you intend to accomplish through the webinar.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): Understand the average CLV to determine the number of customers to reach your revenue goal. It will help you align your webinar strategy with your revenue objectives.
  • Cost per acquisition: Calculate the cost per acquisition for acquiring new customers through the webinar funnel. This metric helps you gauge the efficiency of your marketing efforts. Look for opportunities to optimize your webinar funnel and reduce the cost per acquisition to improve your return on investment (ROI).
Read and Learn: How to Harness Webinars for a 2X Pipeline Boost

3. Pick a webinar format

Consider your objectives, target audience, and where they are in the buyer's journey to determine the most suitable webinar format for your needs. When selecting a webinar format, consider your specific goals and target audience. Here are some standard webinar formats to choose from:

  • Lead generation webinars: These lead generation webinars focus on attracting potential customers by providing educational content relevant to your target market. They can be positioned at different sales funnel stages and may include elements of pitching or selling your product or service.
  • Thought leadership webinars: These webinars aim to establish your business as an industry expert. They provide valuable insights, trends, and best practices. Formats like panel discussions, interviews, fireside chats, or presentations from industry leaders can create dynamic conversations.
  • Product demo webinars: Also known as "deminars," these product demo webinars target prospects who have shown interest in your offering. They showcase your product or service, highlighting its features and benefits to help the audience make informed decisions.
  • Customer onboarding webinars: These webinars occur after a customer purchases. They educate new customers on effectively using their acquired product or service. Q&A sessions, step-by-step demonstrations, and case studies can be helpful in this format.
  • Customer success webinars: These provide value to existing customers and build customer loyalty and advocacy. They help customers maximize the benefits of your product or service through demos, success stories, product updates, and feature releases.

4. Choose the right webinar platform

Selecting the best webinar platform is a crucial step in hosting successful webinars. When choosing a platform, consider the following factors:

  • The number of attendees: Determine the maximum number of attendees you expect for your webinars and choose a platform that can accommodate that capacity.
  • Compatibility with existing tools: Ensure the webinar platform integrates smoothly with your existing tools and systems, such as CRM platforms, marketing automation software, or email marketing tools.
  • Engagement features: Look for interactive platforms like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat capabilities. These features enhance audience engagement and interaction during the webinar.
  • Customization options: Consider the branding and design customization options available on the platform. It aligns the webinar experience with your brand identity and creates a cohesive visual presentation.
  • Security and privacy: Ensure the platform provides robust security measures and maintains the confidentiality of your attendees.
  • Analytics and reporting: Look for platforms that offer comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities. It allows you to gather insights on attendee behavior, engagement rates, and other key metrics to evaluate the success of your webinars.
  • Technical support: Check the availability of technical support and resources provided by the platform. Reliable support can assist you in troubleshooting issues and ensure a smooth webinar experience.

Consider whether the platform supports the entire webinar lifecycle, from lead generation and audience engagement to post-webinar follow-up. Can you create custom landing pages to promote your webinar? Does the platform integrate with CRM tools or marketing automation software for seamless follow-up communication?

Considering these factors, you can choose a webinar platform that aligns with your specific requirements, maximizes attendee experience, and effectively supports your webinar goals.

Choose the right webinar platform

5. Create a webinar landing page

The webinar landing page serves as the first impression of your event and plays a crucial role in driving registrations. Create a compelling webinar landing page that effectively communicates the value of your event and encourages visitors to register. Ensure the webinar landing page is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions to maximize registrations for your webinar.

Here are crucial elements to include on a webinar landing page:

  • Eye-catching headline: Use a compelling headline that communicates the value proposition of your webinar and entices visitors to learn more.
  • Description and topics: Provide a concise yet informative webinar description highlighting the key topics. Communicate the value and benefits attendees can expect to gain from participating.
  • Date, time, duration, and time zone: Display the date, time, and duration of the webinar, along with the applicable time zone. It helps attendees plan and schedule their participation accordingly.
  • Registration form: Include a registration form where attendees can provide information to secure their spot. Keep the layout simple, requesting essential details like name and email address. Tools like Hubilo's landing and registration page builder offers customizable form options to capture the necessary data for your event.
  • Branding and social sharing: Customize the landing page with your brand's visual elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts. It creates a cohesive and professional appearance. Additionally, incorporate social sharing icons to encourage visitors to share the webinar with their networks, expanding your reach.
Create a webinar landing page

6. Promote the webinar registration page

To effectively promote your webinar registration page and maximize attendee registrations, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Leverage your social media following: With over 4.2 billion users, social media provides a vast audience for promoting your webinar. Take advantage of this opportunity by leveraging various social media platforms to promote your webinar. Create attention-grabbing posts, videos, or graphics highlighting the value and benefits of attending your webinar. Encourage your followers to share the information with their networks to expand your reach.
  • Drive web traffic to your landing page: Utilize your website to promote your webinar. Create banners, pop-ups, or dedicated sections on your website that direct visitors to your webinar landing page. Use countdown timers or limited-time offers to create urgency and incentivize registrations.
  • Utilize email marketing: Use email marketing to promote your webinar and landing page. Leverage your email list and segment it based on interests and engagement levels. Send targeted email campaigns to specific segments, highlighting the relevance of the webinar and the value attendees will receive. Utilize automation tools like the Hubilo email marketing engine to set up email sequences, including confirmation emails, webinar reminders, and follow-up emails post-event.
  • Retarget with paid ads: Implement retargeting strategies using platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads. Create campaigns that target individuals who have visited your webinar page but have yet to register. Additionally, consider creating lookalike or custom audiences based on user behavior and demographics to increase the relevance and effectiveness of your paid ads.
Promote the webinar registration page

7. Host a memorable webinar

Planning a webinar that leaves a lasting impression and engages the audience is crucial for generating positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Here are the steps to create a memorable webinar:

  • Plan and Prepare: Outline your webinar content, practice your presentation, and thoroughly test the platform to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Engage the Audience: Utilize interactive engagement features such as polls, Q&A sessions, and chat to keep attendees involved and encourage participation.
  • Visualize Your Content: Incorporate visuals like slides, videos, and images to enhance understanding and illustrate key points effectively.
  • Keep it Concise: Maintain a focused and concise presentation to avoid overwhelming the audience with excessive information. Provide valuable insights that are clear and easy to follow.
  • Share Handouts: Offer downloadable resources like e-books, infographics, or checklists that provide additional value to attendees.
  • Follow-Up: Send a thank-you email to attendees after the webinar, expressing your appreciation for their participation. Additionally, provide further resources or information related to the webinar topic.
  • Seek Feedback: Request feedback from attendees to gather insights on what aspects worked well and identify areas for improvement in future webinars.

8. Use call to action (CTA) to drive conversions

To effectively guide attendees toward the next stage of the funnel, it's essential to include a well-timed call to action (CTA) in your webinar. Place the CTA towards the end of the webinar after providing value and building trust with your audience.

Consider including CTAs that encourage attendees to take actions such as:

  • Joining your mailing list
  • Subscribing to your premium content
  • Participating in a survey
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Request a demo

Using Hubilo as your webinar platform, you can send clickable CTAs directly within your meeting room. It allows attendees to take immediate action on your CTA. Hubilo also provides customization options for the CTA text, button, and URL, allowing you to tailor it to your needs.

Remember to create a clear and compelling CTA that aligns with the goals of your webinar and offers value to your audience. By strategically incorporating CTAs, you can encourage attendees to move further along the funnel and take the desired actions.

Use webinar call to action (CTA) to drive conversions

9. Send follow-up emails and create an evergreen webinar funnel

Keep the conversation from ending with the live event. It's important to continue nurturing your leads and converting them into customers even after the webinar.

Show appreciation to attendees by sending follow-up and thank-you messages highlighting key takeaways from the webinar. Offer additional resources, such as relevant materials, exclusive discounts on related products or services, or the opportunity to try out a free trial.

Consider implementing an evergreen webinar funnel, which involves a series of automated webinars scheduled at specific times or made available on demand. By pre-recording webinars, you can continuously generate leads and drive sales without needing live events.

If you use Hubilo as your webinar platform, take advantage of its features. Automatically record your live webinars and use the instant replay feature to share the webinar recording with all registrants, including those who couldn't attend the live event. It demonstrates your commitment to providing valuable content to your audience, regardless of their ability to join the live session.

By extending the conversation and offering lasting value, you can further engage your leads and increase the chances of converting them into satisfied customers.

10. Thank people for registering

Pay attention to the importance of expressing gratitude to those who register for your webinar. Taking the time to thank them can leave a positive impression and enhance the overall webinar experience.

Moreover, the Thank You page offers an opportunity to leverage word-of-mouth promotion. Many marketers must complete this step, but creating a dedicated Thank You page is advisable.

Consider including social sharing buttons on this page that allow registrants to share the webinar with their friends easily. It can significantly expand your reach and drive more registrations.

Keep the Thank You page simple and straightforward. Express your gratitude to the registrants and encourage them to share the webinar with others. Additionally, provide relevant details about the webinar and offer the option to add it to their calendars.

By incorporating a Thank You page into your webinar funnel, you can show appreciation to your registrants and tap into the power of social sharing to amplify the reach of your webinar.

Thank people for registering by sending email

11. Analyze results

To evaluate the results of your webinar funnel, you can utilize the analytics provided by a reliable webinar platform. Access to metrics such as attendance, engagement, and conversion rates allows you to gather valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to enhance your future webinars.

By analyzing the registration rate, you can assess the effectiveness of your promotion strategy. If the registration rate is low, you may need to re-evaluate your promotional efforts and explore alternative channels to increase registrations.

If your attendance rate is high but the engagement rate is low, you need to improve the content of your webinar. Consider enhancing engagement by incorporating more interactive elements, storytelling techniques, and audience participation.

The conversion rate is a crucial metric to evaluate the success of your webinar funnel. If the conversion rate is low, you must optimize your offer and call-to-action (CTA). Revisit your value proposition, provide additional incentives, or refine the messaging to drive conversions.

In addition to attendance, engagement, and conversion rates, a comprehensive webinar software like Hubilo offers other metrics that can provide deeper insights. These include the number of sessions, creation date, average duration, number of replay viewers, and interactions such as messages, questions, and polls. Analyzing this data can help you understand attendee behavior and preferences, enabling you to fine-tune your webinar strategy.

By leveraging the analytics provided by your webinar platform, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your webinar funnel and make informed decisions to optimize future webinars for success.

evaluate the results of your webinar funnel

Frequently asked questions about creating a webinar funnel

How to create an automated webinar funnel?

Creating an automated webinar sales funnel involves four main areas:

  1. Lead generation: This involves attracting potential customers to your webinar. You can use social media marketing, paid advertising, and content marketing strategies to generate leads. Tools like HubSpot can assist in automating social media and content marketing efforts, while platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager can automate paid advertising campaigns.
  2. Landing pages: You need effective landing pages to drive leads to sign up for your webinar. Hubilo landing page builder can help you create compelling landing pages and automate sending reminder emails to registrants.
  3. Evergreen webinar: This evergreen webinar refers to delivering a pre-recorded webinar that can be automated and accessed by potential customers at any time. The webinar should aim to educate and persuade viewers to take action.
  4. Sales and follow-up: After the webinar, you must follow up with potential customers to convert leads into sales. Email marketing campaigns and follow-up sequences can be automated using tools like Email Marketing Engines. Additionally, scheduling sales calls with potential customers can be automated.

What is the webinar funnel process?

The webinar funnel process encompasses stages to attract potential customers, engage them through a webinar, and convert them into paying customers. The process involves five steps:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Consideration
  • Purchase
  • Post-purchase

What's the difference between a webinar funnel and a landing page

A webinar funnel is a multi-step process that guides potential customers through various stages, from awareness to conversion, using a webinar as the central engagement tool. It involves attracting potential customers, capturing their interest, delivering valuable content through the webinar, and ultimately converting them into paying customers. The webinar funnel encompasses strategies beyond a landing page, such as lead generation, email marketing, and post-webinar follow-up.

A landing page captures visitors' information and drives them to act, such as purchasing or signing up for a newsletter. Its primary goal is to convert visitors into leads or customers by focusing on a specific offer, product, or service. A landing page is typically optimized for high conversion rates and includes compelling content, clear call-to-action buttons, and relevant forms to collect visitor information.

How to attract leads for the webinar funnel?

You can attract leads for your webinar funnel through social media marketing, content marketing, paid advertising, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Leveraging these channels will help generate awareness and interest in your webinar.

How to increase webinar registrations and attendance rates?

To increase webinar registrations and attendance rates:

  1. Promote your webinar across various channels such as social media, email marketing, and your website.
  2. Highlight the unique value and benefits of attending your webinar.
  3. Consider offering incentives like exclusive bonuses or limited-time discounts to encourage registrations and remind participants about the webinar closer to the date.

How to convert webinar attendees into customers?

During and after the webinar, allow attendees to take the next step, such as offering special discounts, exclusive offers, or bonuses related to your products or services. Follow up with attendees through email marketing campaigns, personalized bids, or additional resources that address their needs and encourage them to purchase.

How to measure the success of the webinar funnel?

To measure the success of your webinar funnel, track metrics such as registrations, attendance rates, engagement levels during the webinar, conversions into customers, and post-webinar sales or revenue generated. Use analytics tools, webinar platforms, and marketing automation software to gather and analyze this data.

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Elevate your webinar funnel with Hubilo

Building a webinar funnel is a strategic approach to engage, attract, and convert potential customers through the power of webinars. You can create a successful webinar funnel that drives meaningful results for your business by following the steps outlined in this guide.

Remember that creating a webinar funnel is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and optimization. It is essential to choose a reliable webinar platform like Hubilo that offers the necessary features and capabilities to host seamless webinars, capture leads, and nurture them effectively.

You can establish your expertise, build trust, and convert leads into customers by leveraging the right tools and consistently delivering valuable content. Embrace the power of webinars, and with dedication and strategic execution, your webinar funnel can become a valuable asset in your marketing arsenal. To experience the benefits first-hand, you can request a demo to explore its capabilities. So start building your webinar funnel today and unlock the potential of this powerful marketing tool.


Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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