paid webinars

How to Launch a Paid Webinar

Explore the world of paid webinars with our in-depth guide, revealing the steps to create successful events that captivate your audience and generate revenue.
April 10, 2024

In the current competitive market landscape, capturing the attention of your audience is increasingly challenging. Hosting a webinar stands out as an effective strategy to engage with your customers, offering them valuable content that might be otherwise inaccessible. When executed adeptly, webinars not only serve as an information-sharing platform but also present a lucrative revenue stream for your business. This article will explore the steps to create a successful paid webinar that not only attracts new leads but also generates revenue for your company.

What is a paid webinar?

A paid webinar involves hosting a live online event for which you charge your audience to attend. The topic can range from specific to general, but it should focus on high-demand content, such as insights into various aspects of running a business, like website design tips or product development strategies.

Determining the appropriate fee for attendance requires consideration of the costs associated with hosting a live stream, including internet connection fees and any third-party software expenses. Adjustments can be made based on the specific circumstances and requirements of your event.

How do paid webinars work?

Paid webinars operate as live-streamed events typically hosted on online platforms like Hubilo. A speaker delivers a presentation seamlessly through the platform before a virtual audience. 

Throughout the webinar, attendees can engage with the speaker and each other using built-in chat boxes. This feature facilitates real-time interaction, allowing participants to ask questions and provide valuable feedback, contributing to an interactive and engaging experience.

What are the benefits of paid webinars?​​

Paid webinars offer numerous advantages for both hosts and participants, making them a valuable tool in various aspects. Here are the key benefits:

Great sales potential:

Paid webinars provide a direct channel for customers to access valuable information from experts, fostering a hands-on experience with firsthand knowledge. This format is particularly effective for sales, allowing potential customers to witness product or service details before making purchasing decisions. It creates an opportunity to connect with existing clients and forge relationships in distraction-free live events.

Extra source of income:

Hosting paid webinars becomes a supplementary income stream for businesses. By addressing common challenges within the audience's domain and advertising through social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, hosts can attract a broad audience. Collaborating with relevant websites or blogs for additional exposure can further enhance the reach and profitability of these paid events.

Paid webinars as the main income source:

Hosting paid webinars across a spectrum of industry topics can potentially become the primary source of income. As clients find success through these events, they may seek additional paid seminars to address other business challenges, establishing a continuous revenue stream from paid webinars.

Huge value to the audience:

Paid webinars offer the audience a chance to learn from industry experts without the high costs associated with hiring consultants or speakers. By charging a modest fee, hosts demonstrate the substantial value participants gain from the event, contributing to both the audience's knowledge and the host's profit.

Building expert awareness:

Paid webinars serve as a platform to increase brand awareness, especially when featuring speakers with significant social media followings. Collaborating with influencers can attract a broader audience and further elevate the brand's visibility in the market.

Great supplement to existing strategies:

Paid webinars complement existing paid traffic strategies like PPC and email marketing by serving as lead-generation tools. Hosting webinars on topics related to paid advertising can strategically align with the end of advertising campaigns, converting engaged participants into potential clients.

Moving offline courses online for increased revenue:

For businesses with successful offline courses or training programs, transitioning to paid webinars presents an opportunity to expand and generate additional revenue. Leveraging paid advertisements on platforms like Facebook can generate interest and drive sales during the live event, maximizing revenue potential.

How do I implement paid webinars into my current strategy?

Implementing paid webinars into your current business strategy might initially seem like a significant undertaking, but it can prove highly beneficial for your long-term success. Fortunately, there's no need to start from scratch, especially if you already have a successful ad campaign in place, such as one focused on PPC or email marketing. Instead, seamlessly integrate paid webinars into your existing strategy by crafting ads specifically highlighting event dates and descriptions.

webinar strategy

Paid webinars serve as an effective tool to draw attention to your content, generate long-term leads, and boost profits for your business.

How to transition from free to paid webinars

Transitioning from free to paid webinars can be nuanced, but the potential benefits are significant. If you're feeling cautious about making the shift, consider the following strategies:

Introduce a new paid webinar alongside your free sessions:

Launch a paid webinar while still maintaining your free ones. This approach minimizes risk by preserving your existing free audience. However, it requires careful management of both, possibly necessitating a reduction in the frequency of free webinars to accommodate the new paid offerings.

Gradually implement charges for your current free webinar:

Start charging for your existing free webinar, emphasizing the additional value now provided. Although there's a risk of losing some participants, the upside is that those who remain are likely to be more qualified leads. Clear communication about the enhanced features and benefits is crucial in this transition.

Offer free live webinars and monetize recordings:

Conduct live webinars for free and monetize the recorded sessions. This appeals to individuals seeking lifetime access or those unable to attend the live event. Effectively, you're converting the content into a valuable resource that can be purchased.

Sell bundles of past webinars:

As you shift from free to paid, maintain the free status for new webinars and create bundles of previously conducted sessions for sale. This allows you to capitalize on your existing content while gradually introducing paid components.

What makes people pay for webinars

Paid webinars offer a distinct value proposition that goes beyond the teaser nature of free webinars. The reasons people are willing to pay for these sessions are varied and essential to consider when developing a paid webinar:

Exclusive content:

The content of paid webinars must be exclusive, ensuring that participants can't easily access similar knowledge elsewhere for free. Creating a sense of exclusivity can be achieved by making the webinar a one-time event or limiting the number of attendees.

Advanced, hands-on information:

Paid webinars delve deeper into topics, moving beyond basic information available in free resources. Instead of offering generic advice, provide attendees with tried-and-tested strategies drawn from your experience. The goal is to equip participants with practical skills they can implement immediately.

Webinar series:

Rather than a standalone event, consider creating a series of webinars that form a cohesive course. This approach aligns with what people are accustomed to paying for and provides a comprehensive learning experience.

webinar series

1:1 support and feedback:

Offering personalized support and feedback during or after the webinar can be a compelling selling point. This is particularly beneficial for consultants or small businesses lacking extensive support. Features like a dedicated support hour, direct feedback on projects, or an extended "ask me anything" session enhance the overall value.

Authoritative speakers:

Featuring authoritative speakers, whether they are celebrities, influencers, or experts in the field, adds credibility to your webinar. This can be you as the host or include guest speakers who bring a fresh perspective or expertise to the audience.


Providing a certificate of completion adds tangible value to participants' resumes. This model, commonly seen in online courses, allows individuals to enroll for free but requires payment to obtain the certificate, making it an attractive incentive for attendees.

10 tips for running awesome paid webinars that convert

To create a paid webinar that justifies its price, consider the following tips:

Pay attention to detail:

Double and triple-check all webinar collateral for accuracy, ensuring a professional-looking landing page that conveys seriousness and quality. Aim for premium content that stands out and offers unique value.

Make it exclusive:

Limit the number of viewers and make the content one-of-a-kind. Emphasize the exclusivity in your promotion plan to entice participants with something special and not readily available elsewhere.

Make it a series:

Consider creating a webinar series where each webinar builds on the previous one or offer regular Q&A or training sessions at a set time. Selling seats in bulk for a series can appeal to viewers who prefer a bundled package over individual sessions.

Give viewers something to leave with:

Enhance the value of your paid webinars by building an online course or certification around them. This ensures participants have tangible outcomes from their investment, making it more appealing to potential attendees.

Choose the best-paid webinar platforms:

Opt for reliable and feature-rich webinar platforms that prevent technical errors. Look for platforms that don't require downloads, offer easy-to-use chat and question features, include polls, allow resource downloads, and provide automated reminders and recaps.

webinar platform

Get the price right:

Determine the appropriate price for your paid webinars by considering industry standards, the uniqueness of your content, competition, and the perceived return on investment for attendees. Keep the entry fee low, as it may undermine the perceived value and seriousness of the webinar.

Optimize your webinar registration page:

Build a user-friendly registration page using standalone landing page builders, webinar platforms like Hubilo, or landing page features in your email marketing or webinar software. Ensure seamless integration with your email or webinar platform to automate processes such as sending reminder and confirmation emails.

Promote your webinar online and offline:

Utilize various channels, but prioritize email for promoting your webinar, as it targets an engaged audience. It should employ email marketing, social media promotion, website pop-up forms, and offline strategies, including partnerships with educational institutions for magazine features.

webinar promotion


Send a webinar follow-up email to all sign-ups, including no-shows, shortly after the webinar. Use this opportunity to gather feedback and potentially provide a recording of the webinar or exclusive content to enhance the overall value.


Streamline and automate webinar workflows to save time and focus on content delivery. Explore options like Hubilo to connect different platforms and automate tasks such as sending reminder emails or integrating registration information.

If it fits your strategy, go for it!

After exploring the reasons to consider paid webinars and outlining how to execute them effectively, if you've reached this point and it aligns with your goals, it's time to take the plunge.

The demand for accessible online training is substantial, and there might be a niche for you to fill. However, it's crucial to be mindful that people are cautious about potential misinformation, and negative reviews can have a significant impact.

Prioritize delivering exceptional value to your audience and provide them with compelling reasons to recommend your webinars to others.

When you provide a valuable paid webinar that genuinely empowers participants, equipping them with valuable skills and a sense that their investment was well worth it, it's time to leverage that success.

Elevate your webinar strategy to new heights by considering the use of Hubilo, a comprehensive webinar platform. Hubilo provides a variety of features to enrich your webinar experience, including registration management, live streaming, interactive tools, networking opportunities, and analytics. Request a demo from Hubilo today to discover how their platform can enhance your webinar marketing efforts and deliver outstanding results.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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