the best time to host a webinar

The Best Time for Webinars

Hosting a webinar on the right day will maximize its success and increase attendee satisfaction. Learn more about the best time to host a webinar here.
April 5, 2023

Have you ever hosted webinar events and fell short of your target audience numbers? The frustration of weeks or months of preparation leading to unsuccessful online presentations can be disheartening. Imagine putting hours and hours of effort into creating a webinar, only to discover that it didn't attract enough participants simply because you chose a bad day or time. The disappointment would be palpable, realizing that despite the hard work invested in the webinar, more research was needed to determine the best timing.

Hosting a successful webinar can be challenging. You've dedicated considerable effort to selecting the best webinar format, crafting the perfect webinar topic, preparing engaging webinar content, promoting your webinar, and collaborating with guests to host a successful event. However, one crucial aspect to consider is choosing the correct date and time for your webinar. The timing can significantly impact attendance, especially when aiming to attract viewers from around the world.

To assist you in making informed decisions, we have created this article, where we will delve into the best time and day to host your webinar to maximize attendance. Reading this post from beginning to end is essential to uncover valuable insights on finding the best time and date for your webinar.

Why does time matter in hosting a successful webinar?

Proper planning is essential for a practical webinar, ensuring timely and well-executed sessions, leaving nothing to chance. Although the exact impact of timing on maximizing attendance is uncertain, it remains a significant factor in the success of your webinar. Hosting a webinar requires careful consideration of time to ensure maximum attendance and engagement. Planning for content, shooting presentations, editing, promoting, and other tasks demand ample time. Additionally, strategizing the timing of webinars becomes essential, considering the diverse schedules of target audiences across various time zones. 

Attracting a more significant number of attendees is advantageous, considering the time and effort invested in organizing the webinar. It is important to note that more attendees generally lead to better outcomes and results. Certain days are more favorable for hosting webinars, considering people's schedules. The expected attendance should be the basis for determining the optimal day (and time) for a webinar. If the scheduled time doesn't align with participants' availability, they can't attend the webinar even if they are interested in the content. Thus, selecting the most suitable day and time for both live and on-demand webinars is crucial. This approach increases the chances of securing more webinar registrations, generating higher leads, and achieving a better conversion rate. There are several ways to enhance your webinar experience to maximize viewership and conversions. Let's explore the best days and times for hosting webinars.

Why is it essential to pick the right webinar time and day?

Hosting a webinar at the correct timings and duration offers several advantages:

  • Attendees become more active and engage with other participants during the webinar.
  • Conducting the webinar when the audience is more likely to attend helps maximize attendance.
  • Aligning the timing with the needs of your Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) increases the chances of capturing leads.
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What are the best days to host a webinar?

Host webinar in mid-week

The most favorable days for hosting webinars are Thursday, Wednesday, and Tuesday, with Thursday attracting the highest attendance, based on extensive research analyzing thousands of webinars and participant data. According to a study, these three days in the middle of the week account for 77% of all webinars and consistently show the highest attendance rates. Midweek is when individuals are in their optimal working mindset. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and testing different days with your specific audience is crucial to identify the most effective timing for maximum attendance.

Avoid hosting a webinar on Monday, Friday, and weekends

  • On Mondays, people are still transitioning back into work mode after a relaxing weekend. Additionally, individuals typically dedicate Mondays to catching up on pending tasks. People are up to 30% less productive on a Monday and, on average, only manage 3.5 hours of work throughout the day.
  • On the other hand, Fridays tend to be distracting as individuals eagerly anticipate the upcoming weekend and maybe mentally disengaged from work. Students, who often have hectic schedules, may also be less inclined to participate in sessions or webinars when they have time off.
  • Weekends, specifically Saturday and Sunday, are generally the least favorable days for hosting webinars. These days are typically reserved for rest and leisure, as people prefer to spend time with family or engage in relaxation activities rather than being in front of their work or computer screens.

It's important to note that national holidays and special occasions may alter scheduling patterns. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid scheduling webinars on Wednesday or Thursday preceding a long weekend. 

How to pick a date for your webinar

What is the best time to host a webinar?

Host webinars between 10 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 2 p.m.

The optimal time to host a webinar is before and after the lunch hour. The recommended time slots are 10 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 2 p.m. These hours are ideal for accommodating multiple time zones and attracting a larger audience. It is essential, however, to avoid scheduling webinars at noon when individuals typically take their lunch breaks.

best time for webinars

Consider the different time zones.

Selecting the appropriate time for hosting webinars is a complex task. Utilizing reliable webinar software is highly recommended to automate the scheduling process and be inclusive of all participants. Different brands have diverse target markets, so experimenting with varying slots of time is crucial to understanding their audience's schedule preferences. You can determine the most effective timing for maximizing attendance and engagement among your target audiences by testing various hours. The recommended approach is to select a time of day that encompasses most of your audience within the mentioned time slots.

In conclusion, hosting webinars during the midday period is advisable to maximize attendance. Although the specific timing will depend on your audience's schedules, experimenting with scheduling the webinar at 11 a.m. can be a good starting point, primarily when covering multiple time zones in the United States. It is essential to remain flexible and explore different times to find what works best for your audience and goals. 

Offer on-demand webinars

Provide on-demand webinars by recording your webinar and sharing the recording link with attendees via email or your mobile event app. This approach is beneficial when your audience spans different time zones and cannot attend the webinar at a specific time. Additionally, you can utilize these recorded sessions as a lead magnet. Create an enticing webinar landing page and request individuals to share their email addresses to access the recording.

What else should you consider when choosing the best webinar time?

When selecting the best time to host a webinar, it's essential to consider a few additional factors. While the mentioned days and times have shown popularity, they should not be regarded as absolute rules.

Understanding audience and analytics

Understanding your specific audience is crucial, as their preferences may cause slight variations in these trends. Analyzing data from your past webinars can provide insights into when your audience tends to join webinars. Additionally, engaging with webinar participants and gathering feedback through polls, surveys, and direct communication can help you better understand their weekly schedules and preferences.

Audience engagement & communication

Webinar engagement platforms like Hubilo offer user-friendly features such as surveys, polls, and chat functionalities to enhance audience engagement and gain valuable insights. These cloud-based platforms facilitate seamless participant interaction and allow you to connect with your audience more effectively.

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

Reach a larger audience

Combining mainstream data on optimal webinar timings with the insights gained from your audience through webinar platforms like Hubilo will enable you to reach a wider audience and ensure the success of your webinars. When planning your next webinar, select a time slot supported by data tailored to your audience's preferences.

How long should a webinar be?

The ideal duration of a webinar can vary based on several factors, including the topic, audience engagement, and the goals of the webinar. However, keeping the webinar within 30 minutes to 1 hour is generally recommended. It allows sufficient time to cover the content effectively, engage with the audience, and address any questions or discussions. It is essential to maintain a balance between providing valuable information and staying within the attention span of the attendees. Additionally, considering participants' time constraints and availability, planning and structuring the webinar to make the most of the allocated time is advisable.

Eight webinar scheduling tips to maximize webinar attendance

Webinar scheduling tips

When dealing with hundreds or even thousands of guests, scheduling a time that works for everyone can be challenging. To create a webinar that is successful for everyone, be sure to follow these tips:

1. Analyze your webinar data

If you have hosted multiple webinars over the years, leveraging that experience and analyzing the data you have accumulated is highly recommended. By studying the patterns of client activities and analyzing when you typically receive a high number of webinar registrations, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience's preferred webinar participation times. Furthermore, studying your webinar data will enable you to develop effective strategies that enhance audience engagement and optimize the overall webinar experience.

2. Schedule in the middle of the week

As previously mentioned, the best times to host a webinar are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; Thursdays have a 25% higher attendance rate! Avoid hosting webinars on Mondays and Fridays, as your guests will be more focused on the webinar during the middle of the week. One thing to remember is that because you are hosting your webinar on the best day of the week, you may be competing with other webinars for the attention of your guests. Try to communicate with your previous guests with a post-webinar survey about their professional schedules to see when they have free time. 

3. Plan a webinar at 11:00 a.m.

The 11 a.m. slot typically receives the highest percentage of registrants, closely followed by the 2 p.m. slot. Generally, hosting a webinar between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. is the best time. However, it is essential to avoid scheduling during the lunch hour at noon, as it is a time when people typically take their lunch break and should be calm. 

4. Pick a time that works in all time zones

Time zones are tricky to work through when you're hosting your webinar! As the webinar host, you must consider who is attending your webinar. If you have many international attendees, schedule the webinar during a time that works best for most of your guests. If you have no international attendees, you must worry about both coasts, so scheduling your webinar between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EST will benefit everyone. 

5. Remember time differences 

As we just discussed, the two coasts of the United States have a 3-hour time difference. Some people in Boston may be ready to attend a webinar, while people in Los Angeles still have their morning coffee. The recommended time for webinars with attendees in multiple time zones is 12 p.m. PST/3 p.m. EST. Although this contradicts the lunchtime rule, there are instances where bending the rules is necessary for the overall benefit of the audience. Try to schedule your webinar in an in-between time that works for everyone! You can pre-record your webinar and schedule it to go live at a later date and time. 

6. Host a pre-recorded webinar 

To address the challenge of dealing with multiple time zones, opting for a pre-recorded webinar is a viable solution. This approach offers convenience for attendees and allows for better coordination of schedules among organizers and presenters. Simply pre-record the webinar and schedule it to run once or multiple times. Despite being pre-recorded, you can still incorporate interactive elements like polls and even conduct a live Q&A session at the end.

7. Host longer webinars 

Webinar hosts sometimes feel that longer webinars take up too much time for their guests, but that isn't true! Surprisingly, people are excited about longer webinars. 60-minute webinars attract 2.1 times more registrants compared to 30-minute webinars. You can host an hour-long webinar so your guests will feel safe- the longer your webinar is, the more guests can attend! Longer webinar durations indicate that you will delve deeper into the topic, offering the audience actionable takeaways and valuable insights.

8. Promote the webinar

Webinar promotion is crucial to inform people of your event and highlight the benefits of attending. Commence advertising at least three weeks before the scheduled date. You can employ various methods, such as sending email invites, posting on social media platforms, or utilizing advertising channels. 

9. Send webinar email invites on Tuesday

24% of all webinar registrations take place on Tuesdays. To maximize the impact of your webinar invitation emails, scheduling them on Tuesday mornings is recommended. Specifically, sending emails at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday has been found to generate the best response.

10. Don't forget to offer on-demand

It's important to acknowledge that people lead busy lives, and scheduling conflicts can cause attendees to miss webinars. However, you can keep those registrants and attendees due to these conflicts. By sharing on-demand webinars, you can enable attendees to rewatch the content and provide registrants who couldn't attend initially with the opportunity to watch it for the first time. Additionally, promoting the on-demand version of the webinar allows you to extract more value and reach new audiences.

How to host an on demand webinar

Frequently asked questions about time to host webinars

1. What is the best time of day to host a webinar?

The best time of day for hosting a webinar depends on your target audience. Typically, late morning (10 AM to 11 AM) or early afternoon (1 PM to 3 PM) tend to work well as they avoid common scheduling conflicts.

2. Are there specific days of the week that are better for webinars?

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are often considered the best days for webinars, as they are in the middle of the workweek and have higher attendance rates compared to Mondays and Fridays.

3. How can I determine the ideal webinar time for my specific audience?

Analyze your audience's demographics and time zones to find a suitable time that accommodates the majority. Consider conducting surveys or A/B testing to gather more data.

4. Does the industry or topic of the webinar affect the best time to host it?

Yes, the industry and topic can influence the best time. For instance, B2B webinars may perform better during business hours, while B2C webinars might see more engagement in the evenings or weekends.

5. Are there any time zone considerations when scheduling webinars for a global audience?

It's crucial to schedule webinars that are convenient for your target audience in various time zones. Use scheduling tools that display the webinar time in the attendee's local time zone.

6. Can hosting webinars during off-peak hours be advantageous?

Sometimes, hosting webinars during off-peak hours can reduce competition and lead to higher attendance rates. However, it's essential to ensure your target audience is available during those times.

7. Is there a specific webinar duration that works best for different times of day?

Shorter webinars (30-45 minutes) tend to work well during mid-morning or mid-afternoon, while longer webinars (60-90 minutes) may be better suited for late mornings or early afternoons.

8. Should I consider seasonal factors when choosing webinar times?

Yes, seasons, holidays, and industry-specific events can influence the best time to host webinars. Align your webinar schedule with relevant trends and seasons.

9. Can I use data and analytics to optimize my webinar timing?

Absolutely. Use data from past webinars to identify peak attendance times and patterns, and adjust your scheduling accordingly for better results.

10. Is it possible to offer webinars at different times to accommodate diverse audiences?

Yes, you can consider offering the same webinar at multiple times to cater to different time zones and schedules, ensuring wider accessibility and participation.

Webinar timing and content value are everything

Webinars possess immense power and offer numerous benefits that can help your business differentiate itself from competitors. By implementing the right tactics, webinars can deliver exceptional results beyond your expectations. It is crucial to plan meticulously to ensure successful webinars. Utilize effective webinar promotional strategies to enhance the performance of your upcoming webinars. Boost webinar attendance by choosing the optimal time to conduct your online event. 

While our guide provides valuable tips on hosting webinars at the right time and on the best days, developing your tailored strategy for webinar success is essential. However, it is necessary to remember that you should regard the mentioned data points as benchmarks rather than strict rules for hosting webinars. If multiple companies follow the same time frame and duration, there is a risk of competing for your audience's attention. Therefore, it is necessary to experiment and find the right timing that works best for your audience.

As a leading webinar platform, Hubilo can provide the necessary tools and features to support your webinar hosting needs. The platform's intuitive interface and powerful scheduling features allow you to optimize your webinar timing, ensuring maximum reach and impact. By partnering with Hubilo, you can elevate your webinar strategy and deliver exceptional experiences to your audience. Request a demo today and discover how Hubilo can help you host successful webinars while choosing the best time and day to make a lasting impression.

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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