how to promote your webinar on social media

How to Promote Your Webinar on Social Media

Learn the best ways to utilize social media to promote your next webinar event. See our best tips on how to promote your webinar on social media here.
April 18, 2023

Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote any event. It can have an immense impact on not only who sees the information about your event, but the number of  people that see it as well. With the right social media strategy, popular events like webinars can experience a jump in interest and registrations. Having trouble thinking of ways to promote on social media? Not to worry- we’ll cover how to promote your next webinar on social media to make it your best one yet. 

18 tips for promoting your webinar on social media

1. Create a landing page and optimize it for social sharing

A webinar landing page is where attendees will arrive to register for your webinar event. A landing page plays a big role in whether attendees convert to registered users, so it’s important to make your page as engaging as possible to achieve the goal of boosting registration. Allow your audience to share it on social media to increase the chances of other people registering, too.

2. Create social optimized thank you pages

Once people sign up for your event, they should be brought to a page thanking them for their registration. After thanking registrants, include a note about sharing the webinar with anyone else who might be interested in the event. Place a highly visible share button that links a user to the webinar landing page so they can learn more and register. 

3. Add social sharing buttons to your webinar registration pages and thank you pages

Make it easy as possible for attendees to share your webinar with others by including a button on the webinar site solely for sharing purposes. This will increase the chances of someone sharing your page with others directly or on their social pages. 

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4. Share your webinar on all social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram)

The best social media strategy is one that utilizes all available platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. According to Sprout Social, the average person bounces around between 7 different social media platforms per month. Promoting your webinar across a number of platforms will increase the likelihood that more people will learn about your webinar and register. 

sharing your webinar on social media

5. Use visuals/images in your promotion

One way to grab people’s attention while promoting your webinar online is to include images in your posts. According to a study by Social Media Today, online posts with relevant images receive 94% more views and 12% more traffic with infographics. If you decide to include a video, even better - posts with videos receive 80% more conversions. 

6. Add a clear CTA

CTAs are a way for you to guide the audience into a desired action. Including calls  to action in your social media posts will encourage your audience to take the next step in the registration process. Make sure when a user clicks your CTA button it’s linked to the registration page or webinar landing page. 

7. Create an engaging landing page

The landing page for your webinar has the ability to make or break whether users sign up or not. Make sure that the landing page is easy to navigate and designed to fit the theme of your webinar. You can add media to this page related to your webinar - add photos or videos about the event to get users excited to register. 

8. Run ads

While organic posting on social media is a necessary part of any good social media strategy, a paid social media strategy should be included as well. Running paid advertisements can help boost webinar registrations because it allows you to tailor who exactly will come across your webinar ads. You have the ability to reach a larger audience and get your webinar posts to accumulate views and conversions. 

9. Run facebook ads

Facebook Ads  are a great tool for getting exposure to your webinar! According to Social Pilot, 2.11 billion users can be potentially reached using Facebook Ads. With Facebook Ads, you can target different goals for your ads like website traffic which would get people to your registration page. You can target people with certain interests that involve your webinar topic or ones similar. 

how to use Facebook ads to promote your webinar

10. Reach out to influencers

A key marketing strategy to help get your webinar exposure to as many people as you can is utilizing the power of influencers. It’s estimated that 61% of consumers trust influencers’ recommendations. Research influencers you can partner with within your industry and offer that you work together; they can promote your event to their audience in return for something, like your latest product or a free ticket to the event. 

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

11. Pin posts about your upcoming webinar to the top of your social media profiles and pages

The perfect way to keep everyone up to date with your latest event online is to keep your event posts at the top of your page. Social media platforms now give you the ability to pin important posts at the top of your page, so whenever anyone visits your page they can see that post first thing. 

12. Update your social media cover photos for extra webinar promotion

The best webinar promotional strategy is promoting your event every chance you get - cover photos included! On the desktop versions of websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, users have the option to customize a cover photo on their profile. Change yours to one advertising your latest webinar event, complete with branded colors and logos. Make sure it’s in the correct sizing format so all elements can be seen by profile visitors. 

13. Partner with other webinar producers for promotional exchanges

Social media is the perfect place to get in touch with other webinar creators to share insights and work together. Do your research and find profiles of other webinar producers that you can get in touch with. Familiarize yourself with them and their content, then once you’ve interacted enough with their content, send them an email explaining who you are and what kind of webinar you’re creating. Offer them the chance to promote their next webinar in exchange for promoting yours on their page. Similar to working with influencers, this will open your webinar up to a new and potentially larger audience! 

14. Create short promotional videos

Video content is key these days! If you don’t already, start creating videos around your webinar. Create content based on the main topic or product, any guest speakers, or what value your webinar will bring. These videos should be short but impactful; short enough to keep people’s attention but informative enough so people learn more about the webinar. Video content can be used across all channels - post them on social media, include them in promotional emails, or add them to your webinar landing page. 

creating a social media posts to promote webinar

15. Podcast

Podcasts have become a popular way to share valuable information that can reach just about anyone. If your company has its own podcast, dedicate one whole episode to everything about the webinar. Include a call to action in your episode and share it across all your social media platforms for everyone to listen. 

16. Make use of Instagram reels and stories 

When you promote your webinar event on Instagram, be sure to utilize all of the platform’s great features! Reels and stories are one of the most popular tactics to reach audiences and gain exposure for your webinar, as they’re growing in popularity! Show behind the scenes of your webinar, or cover the topic you’ll be talking about with any guest speakers you might have! 

17. Create Facebook & LinkedIn events

Create more buzz around your webinar by creating a separate page on all platforms that allow event pages. With sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, you can create event pages that allow you to invite people to join and post event information. You can also post exclusive webinar information on these pages that are only accessible to members who join. 

18. Make use of Facebook business page & Facebook live

What better place to promote your business’ webinar than on your Facebook business page? Through here you can fill your existing audience in with information on your latest event and encourage others to share it. Utilize Facebook Live to increase your reach even more and promote your webinar. Live streaming is becoming a new way to advertise events as it is cost-effective and has the ability to reach a large audience. 

how to set up a Facebook page for your webinar

Frequently asked questions about promoting webinar on social media

1. Why is social media an effective platform for promoting webinars?

Social media offers a wide-reaching and engaged audience, making it an ideal platform to promote webinars, build anticipation, and encourage registrations.

2. Which social media platforms are best for promoting webinars?

The choice of platforms should align with your target audience. Common options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and even niche-specific platforms like Reddit or industry forums.

3. When should I start promoting my webinar on social media?

Ideally, start promoting your webinar 2-4 weeks before the event to build anticipation. However, the timing can vary based on your audience's preferences and your promotion strategy.

4. What types of content work best for promoting webinars on social media?

Engaging content such as teaser videos, countdown posts, infographics, and visually appealing images can grab your audience's attention and encourage registrations.

5. How can I use social media advertising to promote my webinar effectively?

You can use paid social media advertising to target specific demographics and reach a broader audience. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer effective ad targeting options.

6. Is it essential to create a dedicated event page or landing page for my webinar on social media?

Yes, creating a dedicated page with all relevant information and registration details can improve the user experience and encourage sign-ups.

7. Should I use hashtags when promoting my webinar on social media?

Yes, using relevant hashtags can increase the discoverability of your webinar posts and help you reach a broader audience interested in your topic.

8. How often should I post about my webinar on social media?

Posting frequency should be consistent but not overwhelming. Aim for a mix of promotional content, informative posts, and engagement with your audience in the weeks leading up to the webinar.

9. What are some creative ways to engage with the audience on social media before the webinar?

Host polls, ask questions related to your webinar topic, run contests or giveaways, and encourage participants to share their expectations or questions about the webinar.

10. Can I use influencers or guest speakers to promote my webinar on social media?

Yes, collaborating with influencers or guest speakers can expand your reach and lend credibility to your webinar. Encourage them to share promotional content with their followers.

11. How do I track the effectiveness of my social media promotion efforts for my webinar?

Use social media analytics tools to track metrics such as engagement, reach, clicks, and conversions. Track registrations and attendance through unique links or UTM parameters.

12. What should I do after the webinar to leverage social media for follow-up and engagement?

Share highlights, key takeaways, and post-webinar resources on social media. Encourage attendees to provide feedback and continue the conversation.

Now you know how to promote a webinar on social media!  

With the right social media promotional strategy, your webinar has the potential to obtain new audiences from all over the world. Take it a step further with Hubilo - we can help create branded materials like detailed webinar pages and include social media links right from your emails. Social media has the potential to take your webinar from good to great, not only before your event but during and after! Request a demo today and get to know more about the event marketing platform!

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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