facebook event promotion

Your Step-by-Step Guide on How to Promote an Event on Facebook

Supercharge your event promotion on Facebook with actionable tips and strategies. From creating an event hashtag to encouraging early registration and leveraging Facebook ads, this guide equips you with the tools to drive attendance, foster engagement, and create a buzz around your event.
May 25, 2023

Social media is about connecting with others. People join platforms to share, post, converse, and learn from those around them. These platforms offer businesses an intriguing and effective way to engage with their customer base. If you are interested in promoting an upcoming event, Facebook, in particular, can be an exceptional place to promote your event and build excitement around the upcoming occasion. Here is what you need to know about how to promote an event on Facebook. 

Why Facebook for event marketing?

Facebook is one of the oldest and most established platforms, which makes it also one of the most visible and popular. It boasts an estimated 269 million monthly users around the world, giving you an excellent chance to engage with your target audience when you promote your event.

Facebook also serves as a versatile platform. You can post textual and visual updates, engage with people directly, and create pages exclusively for your event. This makes Facebook event marketing an excellent way to build visibility for your event. Let's explore the strategies you can use to be successful in drawing in your audience.

Facebook event promotion

How to promote an event on Facebook?

To promote an event on Facebook you will follow a multistep process. You need to think about how you can connect with your target audience and what you want to do at different phases of the planning process. We have broken down the best ways to promote an event on Facebook into a 21-step solution that will get your material in front of the right audience.

Building your Facebook event page

You need to start by creating a Facebook page exclusively for your event. This page will provide customers with a single place to learn about your event and discuss it with other attendees. Here's how to create a helpful page. 

1. Design an appealing event home page

Start building your page with an outstanding cover photo that captures the theme and excitement of your event. When people see the image, you want it to draw them in and encourage them to learn more. 

Make sure the image itself is good quality. A ratio of 2:1 tends to work best, keeping the image crisp and clear. Pair the image with an event name and a page title that interests your potential attendees and lets them know why they might want to attend your event.

Design an appealing event home page for Facebook event marketing

2. Make sure all your information is correct

Next, your page will list all the important information for the event, including time and place. Make sure that all your event details are accurate, checking and rechecking all the information you post. You don't want anyone to have any confusion about your start time or the projected duration. You also want to include information about who attendees should get in touch with if they have any questions. 

3. Focus on credibility and trust

On your page, work to build credibility and trust with people. Make your contact information and your company website clear and prominent. Offer people information such as your contact options and the hours you are most likely to respond. When people post on the event page, actively engage the users. Answer their questions, respond to their comments, and tell them you have something valuable to offer them. People appreciate it when you respond to them directly. In fact, customers are 53% more likely to buy from brands that they can message. 

4. Select co-hosts

You can also further build attention to your page by selecting the optimal co-hosts for your event. If you work with others who already have a sizable audience on Facebook, you can also ask them to promote your event page on their pages. Linking to your event page and getting your name out in front of your followers will also help to build excitement for your event and encourage more attendees. 

5. Combine the Facebook page with other marketing campaigns

Once you have built your event page, you can pair it with a marketing campaign to generate attention. Consider creating an email marketing campaign to introduce people to your event and give them the link to your Facebook event page. You can encourage them to follow your page if they want to get more information about the event and the latest updates as they are announced.

You can also include a link to the page in your newsletter to let more of your followers know about the coming event. To encourage people to follow the page, you might offer exclusive discounts and deals for those who follow your page. You might also use the page to post messages with information about other special deals that they can snag. 

Combine Facebook with other Marketing platform for event promotion

Building pre-event buzz with your Facebook event page

Facebook offers you tremendous potential because it has millions of people who engage with the platform daily. This means you have a wide audience who can follow your page to learn more about the coming event. The key is learning how to generate buzz about the occasion. Here are some suggestions you can employ directly through Facebook.

6. Encourage early registration

A great way to get people excited is to offer an early-bird discount. Encouraging people to sign up immediately by offering them a discount can increase your attendee numbers quickly. This will encourage them to spread the word in the weeks leading up to the event. As the number of confirmed attendees rises, you will naturally draw the interest of other potential attendees who want to stay up-to-date with the latest in the industry. To encourage these early birds, you might offer discounts or special goodies to those who register by a particular date.

7. Sell event tickets

Facebook also offers integrations that allow you to sell event tickets directly from the page. For example, Facebook works with Eventbrite. If you set up an account on Eventbrite, you can link it to the Facebook event page so that people can buy tickets directly through your page. 

sell event ticket through facebook

8. Reach everyone with your content

As you post to your Facebook page, watch that the content you post is personalized to your audience members but also does not exclude anyone you want to target. Consider the full audience you want to attract for your event, including the variations you might encounter in the industry or jobs and roles, and make sure your content reaches all of them. 

9. Create posts that add value, not just focus on sales

As you post your content, you also want to highlight the value you offer. Do not make the posts too sales-oriented. Instead, consider the pain points of your target audience. Include postings about what they want to learn and what tips and tricks they might find useful. All this helps draw your audience in and highlight your value. 

10. Highlight keynote speakers or special guests

Use your page to highlight content related to your keynote speakers and presenters as well. They have already established themselves as leaders in your industry, so this is a good opportunity for you to share their insight with the event audience. Get people excited about what else they can learn from these people by attending your event. 

11. Give the audience a sneak peek

Provide your audience with a sneak peek of the great things to come during your event. You can offer videos about your speakers and the sessions you will hold. You can also have a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the preparations for the event. Get people feeling excited and talking to their friends about the event. 

Bring in followers and attendees with Facebook ads

As you build your page, Facebook ads also offer a number of strategies that you can use to target your potential audience and let them know about the coming event. Here are a few ways you can build interest and your audience.

12. Put Facebook ads to work

With Facebook, you can design ads that target people based on useful information such as interest, job titles, location, and demographic information. Design campaigns that help you capture your most likely audience, inviting them in with an intriguing ad that addresses their needs. 

Put Facebook ads to work

13. Consider Instagram

Keep in mind that Facebook also works alongside Instagram since the parent company Meta owns them both. Therefore, you can also easily run campaigns on Instagram to draw in even more interested followers. Remember that Instagram is a highly visual platform that calls for postings and ads that use excellent, appealing visuals to target your audience. 

Instagram Event promotion

Use Facebook updates to keep people in the loop

As your audience grows, use your event page to keep people up-to-date with the latest information about the event. This might mean posting about any changes that occur but also keeping people updated on your planning and preparations, offering behind-the-scenes looks at what's coming, and letting them know what you do to create an outstanding event for them. 

14. Consider live-streaming event announcements

Use the event page to live-stream any event announcements that interest people. This helps to create a more personal relationship with your target audience. 

In addition to announcements, you can offer unique pre-event features, such as the ability to ask questions to speakers or organizers. Giving people this first-hand look at the event's background helps build a personal connection further.

Consider live-streaming event announcements

15. Encourage everyone else to post

As the event starts to get closer, encourage everyone else involved in the event, such as your speakers and vendors, and sponsors, to start creating content about the upcoming occasion. They might make their own posts encouraging people to come and listen to them during your event. Ask them to tag the event page and use any hashtags you have adopted for the event in their posts to drive their audience back to you.

16. Schedule posts ahead of time

Another convenient Facebook feature is the ability to pre-plan and schedule posts. You can use this planning feature to make sure you have posts go out at precisely the right moments. You might want to send people reminders about registration deadlines, offer countdowns in the days leading up to the start, similar posts with a start, and similar posts with a strict schedule. With the planner, you can be sure each post goes out precisely when you want it to.

Facebook event promotion that boosts engagement

The engagement levels of your users will always be critical to your overall event success. You want people interested in your event and actively participating in conversations before you officially kick it off. Building their engagement on the page can help set the tone and get everything started on the right foot.

17. Create your own event hashtag

We recommend you create an event hashtag. With the hashtag, it becomes easy for everyone involved in the event to find each other. People can search for the hashtag and find all the applicable posts. It makes it easy for people to track recent announcements, learn who else will attend the event, and follow the overall conversation. 

Create your own event hashtag

18. Get the conversation started

You can also be proactive on your page and start the conversation with questions and other conversation starters. Getting people to converse with you and each other helps build a solid community around your event. This sets the tone for when everyone meets again on the day of the conference.

19. Encourage questions

Keep an eye on the page so you know if anyone has any questions. If people do make inquiries, be ready to answer them. Actively engaging with others like this encourages people to ask more questions and lets them know you are a responsive host interested in helping them find value in your event. 

20. Host contests for engagement

An exciting way to build more excitement is to hold contests for those who follow you on Facebook and the event page. You might offer prizes for people who take pictures, post them on social sites, tag you, or use the hashtag. These postings attract attention to your event. The prize can also be something like discounted or free admission to the event. If you want to give away a specific item, you might also say the prize will be personally delivered during the event to encourage people to attend themselves.

21. Use your event's social wall when promoting an event on Facebook

When the event kicks off, your social wall for your event page can be a great place for people to connect and post pictures and comments throughout the event. Drive interest beforehand by encouraging people to make posts and introduce themselves. It nudges everyone to see the wall as a good place to network and engage with other participants, which can then carry over to the rest of the event. 

Use your event's social wall when promoting an event on Facebook

Create an event to remember with Hubilo

Promoting an event through Facebook can be a powerful strategy to reach a wide audience and generate buzz. With its vast user base and robust targeting options, Facebook provides ample opportunities to engage potential attendees and drive event registrations. By leveraging the platform's features, such as event creation, paid advertising, and organic content sharing, you can effectively promote your event and maximize its visibility.

However, managing social media promotions can be time-consuming and complex, requiring careful planning and execution. This is where Hubilo can be a game-changer. With Hubilo, you can seamlessly connect your event website or registration page to Facebook, allowing attendees to discover and sign up for your event easily. You can create customized landing pages to promote your event and drive registrations without needing to know how to code. We can help create branded materials like detailed webinar pages and include social media links right from your emails. Furthermore, Hubilo provides powerful analytics and tracking features, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook promotions. 

Ready to supercharge your social media promotions and take your event to the next level? Request a demo today and discover how its comprehensive event management and marketing tools suite can help you achieve your event goals. Elevate your social media game and leverage the power of Hubilo to make your event a resounding success.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook event promotion

What are the benefits of promoting my event on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the largest and most established social media sites. Promoting your event through this platform allows you to reach a large portion of your target audience.

Facebook also offers a variety of helpful features, such as the ability to sell tickets through the Facebook page, create textual and visual-based posts, and engage directly with the target audience in conversation. This all creates a flexible, useful channel for event promotion.

How to promote an event on Facebook?

To promote an event on Facebook, you will need to begin by creating an event page. Then you will:

  • Build out your page by optimizing it for users
  • Actively engage with users on the page
  • Encourage others such as sponsors, co-hosts, and event participants to promote the event and your page
  • Run ad campaigns to engage users based on key audience characteristics and demographics
  • Create an event hashtag
  • Encourage conversation on the page

What are some tips for promoting my event on Facebook?

To promote your event on Facebook, you want to follow these steps:

  1. Have an outstanding Facebook event page with all accurate information about the event
  2. Actively engage followers on the page by participating in and starting conversations
  3. Running ad campaigns based on your target audience
  4. Encourage people to interact with each other on the page prior to the event.

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